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2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

March 14, 2025

February 18, 2025

January 17, 2025

    Added samples.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in EARNWEEK2 in the BMS samples from April 2024 through November 2024. Previously, the data erroneously rounded the top-coded value in each month of data to the nearest ten. This affected less than 200 persons in each month. The top-code value is no longer rounded.

December 13, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November 2024 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in EMPSTAT in the October 2024 sample. As a result, 326 cases that were previously coded as 0 ("NIU") are now correctly assigned to 1 ("Armed Forces") and 1,650 cases that were previously coded as 20 ("Unemployed") are now correctly assigned to either 21 ("Unemployed, experienced worker") or 22 ("Unemployed, new worker"). As a result of the fix to EMPSTAT, there were impacts on the variables IND1990 and OCC1990. In IND1990, 326 cases that were previously coded as 0 ("NIU") are now correctly assigned to 952 ("Armed Forces, branch not specified"). In OCC1990, 326 cases that were previously coded as 999 ("NIU") are now correctly assigned to 905 ("Military").

November 13, 2024

    Known data issue.

    • 177 person records in the 2024 March BMS sample have malformed values of MARBASECIDP due to problems in the original CPS data.

    New feature release.

    • New and improved SDA datasets now available for online data analysis! Users can now analyze datasets that include the entirety of the ASEC and the BMS collections, as well as individual complete datasets for each supplement topic.

    Expanded variables.

    • MARBASECIDH and MARBASECIDP, the linking variables needed to link households and persons (respectively) in the March basic sample to their records in the ASEC, have now been added for the March 2022, 2023, and 2024 samples.

    Fixed data.

    • We found and corrected an error in the adjustment factor for 2021 in our adjust monetary values feature. The previous incorrect factor was 0.7821177753; the corrected factor is 0.804723770159058. Users who applied monetary adjustment to files that include 2021 data should resubmit their extracts to get updated values. Alternatively, they can re-adjust values directly by multiplying adjusted 2021 values by 1.028903569. Note that the reference year for all variables that are currently eligible for monetary adjustment is the same as the survey year so only data from 2021 need to be adjusted.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2024 sample.

October 15, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2024 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    Edited variables.

    • WSENDAMPM erroneously reported whether the work start time was AM or PM in May 1979 and May 1981; this variable has been fixed to report whether the work end time was AM or PM.

September 26, 2024

    Added samples.

    • 2024 ASEC data is now available.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the UNION variable in the 2023 ASEC sample. As a result, 130 cases that were coded as UNION = 1 (no union coverage) are now correctly assigned to UNION = 3 (covered by a union but were not a member).

September 18, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2024 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • Telework variables are now available for the June, July and August 2024 samples. CPS now releases telework variables within the same-month BMS data file so users can expect telework variables to be released with their respective BMS moving forward.
    • METFIPS (Metropolitan area (FIPS code)) is now available for the following BMS samples: December 1977-June 1985 and October 1985-December 1988. METFIPS' new sample availability were erroneously never released as previously stated on June 5th, 2024.

August 12, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2024 sample.

    Expanded variables.

July 12, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2024 sample.

June 14, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the May 2024 sample.

June 5, 2024

    Expanded variables.

    • METFIPS (Metropolitan area (FIPS code)) is now available for the following BMS samples: December 1977-June 1985 and October 1985-December 1988.
    • TBRESP is now available for samples with the Tobacco Use Supplement (TUS) 2010-forward. This variable reports whether the respondent was eligible/selected into the TUS screener section of the questionnaire.
    • E-cigarette variables from the Tobacco Use Supplement are now available.
    • Job Tenure Supplement variables are now available for January 1991.
    • ASIAN is now available for Basic Monthly Samples starting from 2013.
    • EDRESP is now available as part of the Education Supplement from 1988 to the present. The universe for this variable is all persons who responded to the adult supplement questionnaire, and indicates if they responded for themselves. If they did not, this variable indicates their relationship to the person who responded for them.

    Edited variables.

    • A previous error in the 1968-88 ASEC data for UH_GRDHI_A2 has now been fixed. The data previously did not have NIU labels or case counts/frequencies. The data has now been corrected to reflect the fixed data.

May 10, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April 2024 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • Three new allocation flag variables have been added or updated for the Fertility and Marriage Supplement. QFREVER is now available from 1998-2022 and QFRBIRTHY1 is available from 2012-2022. A new flag, QFRMARFIRST, has been added for FRMARFIRST.

May 7, 2024

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the SPMWT variable. This error was introduced on February 6, 2024. Users can fix prior analyses made between February 6 and May 7, 2024 by dividing the SPMWT variable 100 or by creating a new extract with the SPMWT variable.
    • VLSTATUS has been improved to accommodate additional volunteer status identification information. This change affects the 2017, 2019, and 2021 September Volunteer Supplement samples. See the comparability tab for more information.

    Expanded variables.

    • Telework variables are now available for the March 2024 sample. This update also includes the addition of data quality flags for all telework variables.
    • Veterans Supplement variables are now available for the August 2023 sample.
    • Tobacco Use Supplement variables are now available for the September 2022 sample.

April 17, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the March 2024 sample.

    Expanded variables.

March 19, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the February 2024 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • UH_CCCODE_B3 is now available in the basic monthly data from 2010 forward.

February 14, 2024

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the January 2024 sample.

February 6, 2024

January 12, 2024

December 19, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November 2023 sample.

    Added variables.

    • Telework variables have now been added to the October 2022-October 2023 samples (excluding ASEC samples). Please see the description for TELWRKPAY for more information on the telework variables.

    Edited variables.

    • SHADAC health insurance unit variables are now available for the 2023 ASEC and 2022-2023 ASEC longitudinal samples.

November 13, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2023 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • Several bug fixes resulted in updated values for longitudinal weights in BMS samples from the 1970s and 1980s as well as the 2015 ASEC.

October 23, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2023 sample.

September 27, 2023

    Added samples.

    • 2023 ASEC data is now available.

    Added variables.

    • The 2023 ASEC includes one new variable. UH_STTAXREB_A1 reports a respondent's state tax rebate amount.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected for INCRETIR. Not in universe responses were incorrectly coded as "0" rather than "99999999" for NIU in all years after 2018. Not in universe responses are now correctly coded as "99999999" and the remaining "0" responses are true zeros in all years.

September 12, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2023 sample.

August 14, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2023 sample.

    Added variables.

    • IPUMS CPS is introducing a new linking key called CPSIDV. This identifier links records that share Census Bureau identifiers and have demographic characteristics that are consistent across CPS interviews, eliminating the need for researchers to perform their own validation after linking CPS files. The creation and use of CPSIDV is described in detail in IPUMS Working Paper 2023-01.

July 17, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2023 sample.

June 20, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the May 2023 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the Adjust Monetary Values feature. Adjustment was not available for 2022. Adjusted variables can now be produced for all 2022 samples.

June 7, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April 2023 sample.

    Added variables.

    • Beginning with the April 2023 BMS, the Census Bureau has changed the way it records and topcodes weekly earnings and hourly wages in order to help preserve respondant privacy. New variables EARNWEEK2 and HOURWAGE2 have been introduced to provide backwards-harmonized versions of these variables. SUBMINWAGE allows researchers to identify those earning less than the Federal minimum wage when wages are rounded. EARNWEEK and HOURWAGE will still be available, but will no longer be updated with new samples.
    • New unharmonized variables UH_ERNWK_B5 and UH_ERNHR_B2 are now available.

April 18, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the March 2023 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • The Census Bureau has released a corrected January 2023 data file in order to address coding errors in geographic variables. No other changes were made to the data file. These corrections affected 3,864 households. IPUMS CPS originally recoded these households as "not identified" in the geographic variables. They now contain the correct responses. Updated variables are CBSASZ, COUNTY, INDIVIDCC, METFIPS, and METRO.

March 20, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the February 2023 sample.

    Expanded variables.

March 1, 2023

    New feature release.

    • IPUMS CPS is introducing a new feature: Adjust Monetary Values, which allows users to create inflation-adjusted versions of a subset of variables. This feature is now available as one of the options on the extract summary page. Using this feature will result in both the original IPUMS variable and an adjusted version of the variable being delivered to the user in their data extract. Adjusted variables will contain values that have been adjusted across time to constant 2010 dollars using the CPI-U. Future expansion of the feature will include ASEC variables and may include additional pricing indices, additional constant adjustment years, and additional monetary variables available for adjustment. The Adjust Monetary Values Feature is currently available for samples through December of 2022.

February 20, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the January 2023 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • In January 2023, the Census Bureau made a significant change to the way confidentiality is protected for individuals in small geographic areas. Geography is now partially synthesized for areas with a population below the threshold of 100,000. This change will be phased in as new respondents enter the CPS, beginning with month-in-sample 1 in January 2023. These changes affect the following geographic variables: METFIPS, COUNTY, METRO, INDIVIDCC, and CBSASZ. For more information, see the Census Bureau's 2023 CPS User Note.
    • METAREA has been discontinued by IPUMS CPS as of the January 2023 basic monthly sample. Users should use METFIPS instead.
    • An error was found and corrected for INCRINT1 and INCRINT2. NIU responses were incorrectly coded 0000000. NIU records are now properly coded 9999999.

January 17, 2023

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the December 2022 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected for SCHIPLY. The universe for samples from 2019 onward was incorrectly given as "All persons born after the calendar year." The correct universe is "All persons except those born after the previous calendar year."

December 12, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November 2022 sample.

November 17, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected for JTIND. The universe for samples from 2000 onward was incorrectly given as "Civilians age 15 or older who were employed in the reference week." The correct universe is "Civilians age 15 or older who were employed in the reference week and were doing a different kind of work a year ago."
    • SHADAC health insurance unit variables are now available in 2021-2022 ASEC longitudinal extracts.
    • MISH in the 2022 ASEC has been updated to accurately reflect the CPS rotation pattern.
    • New categories have been added to FSSPDMORC and FSSPDOTHC data in 2010 and earlier for households reporting values of $195 or higher. Previously, these records were coded $195+ (code 200). These records now fall in the categories $195-204 (code 200), $205-214 (code 210), $215-224 (code 220), and $225+ (code 230) as applies. Continuous values for these years can be found in FSSPDMOR and FSSPDOTH.
    • The labels for OCC codes 6530 and 6340 were transposed on the page for the 2011-2019 occupation codes. Code 6530 is now correctly labeled "Structural iron and steel workers" and code 6540 is now correctly labeled "Solar photovoltaic installers."
    • Armed forced respondents were previously being coded as "Not in universe" for the variables EMPSTAT, OCC1990, and IND1990 in basic monthly samples from 1984 to 1993. These respondents now have the appropriate armed forces codes.
    • The codes "Armed forces, relationship unknown" and "Age under 14, relationship unknown" have been removed from RELATE as they did not appear in any samples. This was the result of previous work on family pointer variables. For more information see the family pointers page.

October 19, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for September 2022.

October 12, 2022

    Edited variables.

    • An error was corrected in the ASECWT and ASECWTH variables for the 2020 and 2021 ASEC files. Values of these variables were incorrectly inflated by a factor of 100. LNKFW1YWT in these files was also affected by this error and has been corrected.

October 6, 2022

    Added samples.

    • 2022 ASEC data is now available.

    Added variables.

    • The 2022 ASEC includes twelve new variables. UH_HPEBTYN_A1 reports household participation in the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program. UH_HEBDPYN_A1 reports household participation in the Emergency Broadband Discount Program. UH_HEBDPMNTH_A1 reports number of months of participation in the Emergency Broadband Discount Program. UH_SPMBBSUBVAL_A1 reports the value of an SPM unit's internet or broadband subsidy. UH_HECTCYN_A1 reports whether anyone in the household received extended child tax credits. UH_ADVCTC_A1 reports amount of advance child tax credit received by a respondent. UH_CDCCRD_A1 reports the amount of child and dependent care credit received by the respondent. UH_HEIPYN_A1 reports whether stimulus payments were received by the household.

    Edited variables.

    • The Census Bureau has released updated weight variables for the 2020 and 2021 ASEC data to reflect 2020 population counts. IPUMS variables ASECWT, ASECWTH, REPWTP, and REPWT reflect the weight values for 2020 population controls. Previous versions of these weight variables using 2010 population controls are available on this page.

September 12, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    Edited variables.

    • Some values were being incorrectly rounded in some Supplemental Poverty variables in 2019-2021 ASEC files. This error has been fixed and the following variables have updated values:
    • Errors were found and corrected for JTOCC and JTOCC1990. It was incorrectly stated that the universe for samples from 1996 onwards was "Persons age 15 or older who were employed in the reference week at the same job they had last year." This has been changed to "Civilians age 15 or older who were employed in the reference week and had been at their current job for over a year, or had been in their job less than a year but were working one year ago." in 1996, and "Civilians age 15 or older who were employed in the reference week and were doing a different kind of work one year ago." from 2000 onwards. Additionally, 149 respondents in the 1996 sample were found to be coded "Not in Universe" despite meeting known universe requirments. These respondents have been noted in the comparability tabs for JTOCC and JTOCC1990.
    • An error was found and corrected for JTYEARS in the January 1983 sample. 1022 respondents with less than a year of job tenure were mistakenly coded as having 0 years of job tenure. They are now have the correct partial year values.

August 15, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for July 2022.
    • Education Supplement variables are now available for the October 2021 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • Errors were found and corrected for VHOWLONG in all samples from 2003-2020. Per communication with the Census Bureau, the 2021 codes for VHOWLONG have been in effect since 2003. Responses previously coded 1 "Less than 6 months" are now coded 2 "6 months or less." Responses previously coded 3 "6 months to 2 years" are now coded 4 "More than 6 months, less than 2 years." Responses previously coded 6 "3 to 4 years" are now coded 7 "4 to 5 years." Responses previously coded 8 "5 to 9 years" are now coded 9 "6 to 9 years."
    • An error was found and corrected in the universe of VOTERESP. Previously it was stated that respondents must be American citizens. This requirement was not found to be present in the data and has therefore been removed.
    • SHADAC health insurance unit variables are now available in 2020-2021 ASEC longitudinal extracts.

July 15, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for June 2022.
    • Veterans Supplement variables are now available for the August 2021 sample. The Veterans Supplement has undergone a revision since August 2020. Please see supplement notes for details. Two new variables have been added, VNOEMJOB and VNOEMWANT.
    • MARBASECIDP is now available for the March 2021 basic monthly sample.

    Edited variables.

    • Codes for VHOWLONG have changed to accommodate new 2021 codes. Code 2 formerly corresponded to "6 months to 2 years" and now corresponds to "6 months or less." Code 3 formerly corresponded to "2 to 3 years" and now corresponds to "6 months to 2 years." Code 4 formerly corresponded to "3 to 4 years" and now corresponds to "More than 6 months, less than 2 years." Code 5 formerly corresponded to "5 to 9 years" and now corresponds to "2 to 3 years." Code 6 formerly corresponded to "10 to 14 years" and now corresponds to "3 to 4 years." Code 7 formerly correspdoned to "15 to 19 years" and now corresponds to "4 to 5 years." Code 8 formerly corresponded to "20 years or more" and now corresponds to "5 to 9 years." Codes 9, 10, 11, and 12 have been added for (respectively) "6 to 9 years," "10 to 14 years," "15 to 19 years," and "20 years or more."
    • Variable descriptions for DIFFMOB and DIFFCARE have been revised to remove mention of requirements that disabilities last "6 months or more" and exclude "temporary health problems/conditions." These requirements were not found in Census Bureau documentation.

June 10, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the May 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for May 2022.

May 17, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April 2022 sample.

    Added variables.

    • Unemployment Compensation supplement data is now available. Unemployment Compensation variables are now available for May, August, and November of 1989, February of 1990; January, May, July, and November of 2005; and May and September of 2018. Please see supplement notes for details.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for April 2022.
    • Disability supplement variables are now available for the July 2021 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the universe of IND. Previously it was stated that IND respondents from 1989 onward must have worked in the past 5 years. A universe change was found to have occurred in 1994. From 1994 onward respondents must have worked in the past 12 months.

April 11, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the March 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for March 2022.
    • ASECWTCVD is available for 2019 and 2021 ASEC files. The ASECWTCVD for 2020 was re-released by the Census Bureau in February of 2022; the IPUMS CPS data reflects this update.

March 14, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the February 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for February 2022.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in OCC1990.
      The 2002 input code 1020 (Computer software engineers) formerly mapped to the 1990 code 229 (Computer programers) and now maps to the 1990 code 064 (Computer system analyst). The 2010 input code 1020 (Software developers, applications and systems software) formerly mapped to the 1990 code 229 (Computer programers) and now maps to the 1990 code 064 (Computer system analyst). The 2018 input codes 1021 (Software developers) and 1022 (Software quality assurance analysts and testers) formerly mapped back to the 1990 code 229 (Computer programers) and now map to the 1990 code 064 (Computer system analyst). This fix was also implemented in OCC90LY, DWOCC1990, and JTOCC1990.
    • An error was found and corrected for JTSUPPWT in the January 1983 and 1987 samples. Persons ineligible for the Job Tenure Supplement had non-zero weight values. These records now have correct weight values of zero.
    • An error was found and corrected for JTRESP in the January 1983 and 1987 samples. Persons ineligible for the Job Tenure Supplement were incorrectly coded as in universe for the Job Tenure Supplement. These have been recoded as not in universe for the Job Tenure Supplement.

February 14, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the January 2022 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for January 2022.
    • LNKFW1YWT is now available for 1976 and 1978-1988 ASEC samples.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected for UNION in the December 2021 sample. "Covered by union but not a member" responses are now present.

January 14, 2022

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the December 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • The COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for October-December 2021.

    Edited variables.

    • Errors were found and corrected for JTSUPPWT in the January 1983 and 1987 samples. JTSUPPWT is now properly multiplied out for 4 decimals in both samples and a missing digit was added to 1987.

December 10, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • WKXPNS is now available for the 2018-2021 ASEC samples.

November 12, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • UNION is now available for samples from May through December of 1983.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in MARBASECSTAGE in the 1988 March BMS file this variable now has the correct values that match its counterpart in the 1988 ASEC file. No MARBASECIDP or CPSIDP values have changed in either of these files.

October 18, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2021 sample.
    • Food Security Supplement variables are now available for December 2020.

    Expanded variables.

    • COVID-19 variables from September 2021 are now available.
    • Health Insurance Unit variables are now available for the 2021 ASEC.
    • UH_VET1_B1, UH_VET2_B1, UH_VET3_B1, and UH_VET4_B1 are now available for 2010-2021 Basic Monthly samples.

    Edited variables.

    • In the 2006-2015 ASEC samples, the original data for the variable FILESTAT contained an error in which married couples filing jointly did not always have the same FILESTAT value. Married couples filing jointly in which both filers were under age 65 have all been recoded to 1, couples filing jointly in which one filer was 65 or older and the other under 65 have all been recoded to 2, and couples filing jointly in which both filers are 65 or older have been recoded to 3.
    • An error was found and corrected for INCSS. The "Not in Universe" code for samples from 1968-1975 is now 6 digits wide to match with later years.
    • An error was found in CPSIDP in the 2016 ASEC wherein some records had different CPSIDP values between the 2016 March Basic Monthly and the ASEC files eventhough these records were linkable across these files using MARBASECIDP. Only 173 records were affected.

September 21, 2021

    Added samples.

    • 2021 ASEC data is now available.

    Added variables.

    • The 2021 ASEC includes two variables regarding Economic Impact Payments (EIP) distributed by the federal government during 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. An individual's total amount in EIP during 2020 can be found in UH_EIPCRD_A1 and total EIP payments for a respondent's SPM family unit can be found in UH_SPMEIP_A1.

September 13, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • COVID-19 variables from August 2021 are now available.
    • Education Supplement variables are now available for the October 2020 sample.

August 17, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • COVID-19 variables from July 2021 are now available.
    • Child Support Supplement variables are now available for the 1979, 1982, 1984, and 1986 ASECs. One new variable, CSREG has been added.
    • Fertility Supplement variables are now available for the June 2020 sample.

    Added variables.

July 15, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Longitudinal ASEC samples can now be downloaded from IPUMS CPS! For more information on these pre-linked samples, see our linked ASEC notes; for more information on the panel component of the CPS, see our Linking and the CPS page.

July 12, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • COVID-19 variables from June 2021 are now available.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in RACE for January-April of 2012.
      Respondents in these months that had code...
      815 (AIN-PI) are now correctly coded as 809 (Asian-PI)
      809 (Asian-PI) are now correctly coded as 810 (W-B-AIN)
      810 (W-B-AIN) are now correctly coded as 811 (W-B-Asian)
      811 (W-B-Asian) are now correctly coded as 812 (W-AIN-Asian)
      816 (W-B-PI) are now correctly coded as 813 (W-Asian-PI)
      812 (W-AIN-Asian) are now correctly coded as 814 (W-B-AIN-Asian)
      817 (W-AIN-PI) are now correctly coded as 820 (2 or 3 races)
      813 (W-Asian-PI) are now correctly coded as 830 (4 or 5 races).
    • January-April 2012 are now avaiable in UH_RACE_B4 instead of UH_RACE_B5.
    • Between April 1976 and March 1983, some female heads of household were being recoded to be male heads of household. This recode of SEX is no longer enforced and in these months, a few records have changed from male to female. In some samples, family pointers were also affected.

June 14, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the May 2021 sample.

    Added variables.

    Expanded variables.

    • COVID-19 variables from April and May 2021 are now available.
    • Child Support Supplement variables are now available for the 2016 and 2018 ASECs.
    • Public Arts Supplement variables are now available for February 2014 and 2016, July 2017, and February 2018 and 2020.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in LINENO in the 1987-1988 Basic Monthly samples. Records that formerly had missing data for this variable now have meaningful values.

May 14, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April 2021 sample. As of this data release, the April COVID-19 variables have not been released by the Census Bureau. Once these data are public, we will work to incorporate them into IPUMS CPS.

    Added variables.

    • ASECWTCVD is available for the 2020 ASEC. ASECWTCVD is a person-level weight adjusted for pandemic-related nonresponse. See this working paper for more details.

    Expanded variables.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in QCLASSWL where in ASEC respondents who should have been categorized as unallocated were incorrectly coded as allocated.

April 9, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the March 2021 sample. As of this data release, the March COVID-19 variables have not been released by the Census Bureau. Once these data are public, we will work to incorporate them into IPUMS CPS.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in RACE in the January 1994-March 1997 Basic Monthly samples. Those coded as "Asian or Pacific Islander" in the original data were incorrectly recoded to the "Asian only" category in the IPUMS varaible. As a result, that previously had values of 651 for RACE now have values of 650.

March 12, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly and COVID-19 supplement variables are now available for the February 2021 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • COVID-19 variables from January 2021 are now available.
    • BCHECKEV is now available for the June 2011 and June 2013 samples.

February 12, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the January 2021 sample. As of this data release, the January COVID-19 variables have not been released by the Census Bureau. Once these data are public, we will work to incorporate them into IPUMS CPS.

    Expanded variables.

    Edited variables.

    • Errors were found and corrected for IND50LY and IND90LY. These variables were displaying data for IND in the 2020 ASEC sample. Recoded INDLY data is now displayed.
    • MISH in the 2020 ASEC has been updated to accurately reflect the CPS rotation pattern.
    • NIU labels have been standardized for OCC, OCC1950, OCC1990, OCCLY, OCC50LY, and OCC90LY. NIU codes were previously inconsistently labeled as "Unemployed," "Unknown/NA," or "NIU." All NIU codes are now labeled NIU.
    • Values of 9920 "Unemployed" in OCC2010 and OCC10LY have been changed to 9999 "NIU" to bring NIU coding in these variables in line with OCC, OCC150, OCC1990, OCCLY, OCC50LY, and OCC90LY.

January 20, 2021

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the December 2020 sample. As of this data release, the December COVID-19 variables have not been released by the Census Bureau. Once these data are public, we will work to incorporate them into IPUMS CPS.

    Added variables.

December 11, 2020

    Added samples.

    Added variables.

November 16, 2020

October 9, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2020 sample. See here for information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CPS basic monthly data collection and processing.
    • Harmonized occupation (OCC1950, OCC1990, and OCC2010) and industry (IND1950 and IND1990) variables are now available for 2020 basic monthly samples.
    • Harmonized occupation last year (OCC50LY, OCC90LY, and OCC10LY) and industry last year (IND50LY and IND90LY) variables are now available for the 2020 ASEC.
    • Tobacco Use Supplement variables are now available for January 2019.
    • Displaced Worker and Job Tenure Supplement variables are now available for January 2020.

    Edited variables.

    • The Bureau of Labor Statistics has corrected errors related to the introduction of the new Census occupation classification scheme in the 2020 data. IPUMS CPS has updated its January-July 2020 Basic monthly data to reflect this change. August 2020 basic monthly and 2020 ASEC data were unaffected. For more information on this fix from BLS can be found here.
    • An error was found and corrected in OCCLY for 1963-1967 ASEC samples. NIU records in these years were being incorrectly recoded as "Laborers, excluding farm and mine."
    • An error was found and corrected in the health insurance uptake variables in the 2019 and 2020 ASECs. The data in these years now have the same universe as the data in previous years. Many records that were NIU now have valid responses. A few records have different in-universe responses.

September 23, 2020

    Added samples.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the logic for creating IPUMS parental pointers. Same-sex spouses and unmarried partners are now properly identified as parents in the 2020 basic monthly data. This update caused changes in the values of MOMLOC, POPLOC, MOMRULE, POPRULE, NMOTHERS, NFATHERS, YNGCH, and ELDCH in these months.
    • An error was found and corrected in CISUPPWT. The December 1998 sample now has the correct values.
    • An error was found and corrected in FTOTVAL and OFFTOTVAL. The NIU value listed in the variable descriptions is now reflected in the data.

September 18, 2020

    Added samples.

    • 2020 ASEC data is now available.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in SPMFICA in the 2019 ASEC. This variable previously contained an old version of the source data.

September 10, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2020 sample. See here for information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CPS basic monthly data collection and processing.
    • Food Security Supplement variables are now available for April 1976 and August 1977.

August 14, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2020 sample. See here for information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CPS basic monthly data collection and processing.
    • Computer and Internet Supplement variables are now available for the October 1984, 1989 and 1993 samples.
    • Self-reported parental pointers PELNPAR1 and PELNPAR2 and parent type variables PEPAR1TYP and PEPAR2TYP are now available for 2020 BMS samples.

July 13, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2020 sample. See here for information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CPS basic monthly data collection and processing.
    • Veterans Supplement variables are now available for the August 2019 sample.

    Added variables.

    • Unharmonized variables are now available for ASEC samples from 1962-2010. More information on unharmonized variables can be found here.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in HISPAN in 2014-2020. Previously, the "Dominican" category was incorrectly combined with the "Other Hispanic" category. Correcting this error included modifying a number of codes for HISPAN: "Other Hispanic" changed from 401 to 600; "Central/South American" changed from 410 to 610; "Central American (excluding Salvadoran)" changed from 411 to 611; "South American" changed from 412 to 612. No other codes were modified.
    • An error was found and corrected for QINCLONG in 1988-2018 ASEC samples. Previously both values 1 and 2 in this variable were labeled "Income type allocated." This was the correct label for the value 1 only. QINCLONG now contains valid codes 1 for "Income amount allocated," 2 for "Income type allocated," and 3 for 3 "Income amount and income type allocated."
    • Errors were found and corrected in VTSUPPWT. Previously all 15 year olds in 1995 and 1997 had values of -1. These persons are not in universe for VTSUPPWT and now have a correct weight of 0. In 2001 VTSUPPWT contained the basic monthly sample weight rather than the veteran's weight. This has been corrected as well.
    • Errors were found and corrected for TSMK6. "Yes" and "No" response codes for 1998 and 1999 samples were opposite of other years. They are now correctly coded 1 for "No" and 2 for "Yes."

June 11, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the May 2020 sample. See here for information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CPS basic monthly data collection and processing.
    • Select Veterans supplement variables are now available for April 1985, November 1987, September 1991, and September 1993.

May 13, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April 2020 sample. See here for information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CPS basic monthly data collection and processing.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in EDYRDIP in October of 1985. Persons who were formerly incorrectly coded as "Some previous year" are now categorized as "Current year." A similar error was found in this variable in October 1986. Persons formerly incorrectly coded as NIU are now coded as "Some previous year."
    • An error was found and corrected in ACTSAME in which "yes" and "no" responses were swapped.
    • Universe statements have been corrected for CESOCCONTCT.
    • Some values in ASECFWT in 1963 and 1965 that had been recoded to 999999999999 now have a value of 0.
    • Unharmonized basic monthly variables have been re-named to include a B in the final part of the variable. More information on IPUMS CPS unharmonized variables can be found here.

April 15, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the March 2020 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in OCC1950 in 1983-1989. Original codes for correctional institutions officers and guards and police except public service were incorrectly recoded as 762 (Firemen) in these years. These records are now correctly coded as 763 (Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers).
    • Several errors were found and corrected in IND1950. In 1994-2002, The original code 212 (Misc. plastic products) was coded as 469 (Misc. Chemicals and Allied Products). These records have been recoded to the correct harmonized code 399 (Misc. manufacturing industries) in this period. From September 1995-1997, the original codes 551 (Farm products, raw materials) and 552 (Petrolium products) were incorrectly recoded to harmonized codes 618 (Petrolium products) and 619 (Farm products, raw materials), respectively. These codes have been recoded to their proper harmonized codes (551 recodes to 619, 552 recodes to 618). Similarly in this period, the original codes 161 (Misc. paper and pulp products) and 162 (Paperboard containers and boxes) were incorreclty coded to harmonized codes 457 (Paperboard containers and boxes) and 458 (Miscellaneous paper and pulp products), respectively. These codes have been recoded to their proper harmonized codes (161 recodes to 458, 162 recodes to 457).
    • An error was corrected in PASUPPWT. The February 2013 sample now uses the correct weight, with the correct number of digits.
    • An error was corrected in WKSUNEM2 in 2014-2019 ASEC samples. Those with 0 weeks of unemployment last year are now seperated from NIU records.

March 19, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the February 2020 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • A universe error was corrected in INCLUGH. The universe is now the same for all samples from 1988 onwards.
    • A questionnaire text error was corrected in INCWKCOM. The correct questionnaire text now appears for 2015-2019 samples.
    • In the 1984-1988 basic monthly samples, MARST and RELATE have been expanded to include more detailed categories. Values for SEX may have changed for a few records in these years due to this update. Values for IPUMS family interrelationship variables have changed for some records due to the changes to MARST and RELATE in these years.

    Added Variables.

    • Immunization Supplement variables are now available for September samples from 1978-1984. A total of 23 new variables have been added.

March 2, 2020

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the January 2020 sample.
    • UH_FAMWGT_2 is now available for 2010-2020
    • UH_MOMTYP_1 and UH_DADTYP_1 are now available for 2010-2019

    Edited variables.

    • A coding error was fixed in data quality flags for some ASEC variables from 2019. Full-line impute records that used to be categorized as allocated are now categorized as unallocated for item-specific data quality flags
    • A universe error was corrected in DWWKSUN data was not collected for currently employed persons for this variable in 1994.
    • Incorrect NIU codes were removed from variable description for DWWEEKC.
    • A coding error was fixed in COUNTY. Code 085 for California was erroneously coded as Santa Clara County for all available years. It is now correctly coded as Santa Clara County from September 1995-April 2004, as San Jose County from May 2004-July 2005, and absent entirely in California from August 2005 onward.

January 27, 2020

    Edited variables.

    • Income topcoding was overhauled to accommodate new topcodes and fix errors. The INCTOT component variables were affected as were tax variables. For more information about topcoding in income variables, see this overview. Several of the income variables also had incorrect NIU values included in their variable descriptions. These have been fixed.
    • An error was found and corrected in documentation for Contingent Worker supplement variables. Variable universes now correctly read that respondents must be 16 years of age or older in samples from 1995-1999.
    • The data formerly available through CHSUPPREC in the 2019 ASEC is now part of INCCHILD.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the December 2019 sample.
    • Health Insurance Unit variables are now available for the 2019 ASEC.
    • MARBASECIDP and MARBASECIDH are now avaiable in the 2018 and 2019 March Basic Monthly samples.
    • QUNION is now available in all Basic Monthly samples from 2010-2019.
    • Contingent Worker supplement variables are now available for the May 2017 sample.

December 18, 2019

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November 2019 sample.
    • Food Security supplement variables are now available for the December 2018 sample.
    • Tobacco supplement variables are now available for the July 2018 sample.
    • UH_RETWANT_1 now available from 2010-2019.

    Added Variables.

    • Contingent Worker supplement variables are now available for 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2005 February samples. A total of 83 new variables have been added.
    • Variables about current medicare and medicaid coverage are now available for the 2019 ASEC (HIMCAIDNW, HIMCARENW, CAIDNW).

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected for DWYEARS in samples from 1984-1994. Responses now appear with correct decimal placement.
    • HIMCAID and HIMCARE were renamed to HIMCAIDLY and HIMCARELY, respectively.

November 14, 2019

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2019 sample.
    • Supplemental Poverty variables are now available for the 2019 ASEC sample.

    Edited Variables.

    • Updated tax variables are now available for the 2019 ASEC.
    • An error was found and corrected in AGE, SEX, and RACE for Armed Forces records in basic monthly samples from October 1986-1988. These records previously had nonsensical values; these have been fixed. The fix to SEX also affected IPUMS-constructed family interrelationship variables in these samples.
    • An error was found and corrected for FRBIRTHY. FRBIRTHY is not present in samples after 2010. Instead, the question asked is reflective of FRBIRTHY1. FRBIRTHY is no longer available in samples after 2010. FRBIRTHY1 is now available for June 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018.
    • An error was found and corrected for MBPL and FBPL documentation. Israel and Palestine are now correctly labeled as separate birthplaces.
    • Errors were found and corrected for EMPSTAT and LABFORCE. Persons under the ages of 14 or 15 (as applies for samples) are now correctly coded NIU.

October 14, 2019

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected for QFAMINC. QFAMINC is now available for 2016 BMS samples.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2019 sample.

    Expanded Variables.

October 10, 2019

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2019 sample.

October 7, 2019

September 3, 2019

    Edited variables.

    • Due to a processing error, prior to this release, children under the age of 14 in all households October of 1976 were being assigned their own IPUMS household serial number rather than the household serial number of the adults in their household. This error has been fixed. As a result, some household variable values for these records may have changed.
    • HRHHID has been updated for some households in January, April, May, June, October, and November of 1976 to improve linkage rates across months. While some HRHHID values may have changed, the composition of the households remains the same.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2019 sample.

    Added Variables.

    • 91 new variables have been added to the Veteran's Supplement.

July 29, 2019

    Edited variables.

    • BPACCT has been reclassified as a P variable.
    • BTAXLOANEV has been renamed BTAXLOAN5YR.
    • An error was found and corrected in Un(der)banked Supplement variables from 2011 and 2013. Household's whose supplement respondent was not the household head had been incorrectly classified as NIU in some variables.

    Added samples.

    • Un(der)banked supplement variables are now available for 2015 and 2017 samples. Fifty-one new variables have also been added.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2019 sample.

    Expanded Variables.

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in YRIMMIG for the following samples: In 2009 bms samples, the '2006-2009' records were improperly coded as 2008; these now have a value of 2009. In 2010-2019 samples, the '2006-2007' records were improperly coded as 2008; these now have a value of 2007. In 2011 bms samples, the '2008-2011' records were improperly coded as 2010; these now have a value of 2011. In 2012 bms samples, '2008-2009' records were improperly coded as 2010; these now have a value of 2009. In 2013 bms samples, '2010-2013' records were improperly coded as 2012; these now have a value of 2013. In 2012-2013 ASEC samples, the '2008-2009' records were improperly coded as 2010; these now have a value of 2009. In 2014-2016 ASEC samples, '2008-2009' records were improperly coded as 2010; these now have a value of 2009. In these same samples, '2010-2011' records were improperly coded as 2012; these now have a value of 2011.
    • An error was found and corrected in ASPOUSE in 1994-2006 bms samples. Persons who did not have a spouse in the household were incorrectly coded as -1. These now have a value of 0.

June 24, 2019

    Expanded Variables.

    Edited Variables.

    • Two errors were found and corrected in EDSUPPWT. In October 2002, all values now reflect WTFINL. In October of 1984, 1986-1993, children are now assigned the basic weight value instead of 0. This variable now has the correct number of decimal places in 1989-1993.

    Added samples.

    • Voter supplement variables are now available for the November 2018 sample.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the May 2019 sample.

May 28, 2019

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in DWSUPPWT for Displaced Worker supplement samples from 1984-1992. This variable now has the correct number of implied decimal places in these samples.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April 2019 sample.

    Expanded Variables.

May 23, 2019

    Expanded Variables.

    • The earner study variables PAIDHOUR and HOURWAGE are now available for 1982-1988 basic monthly samples.
    • QPAIDHOU is now available for all samples for which PAIDHOUR is available.
    • QHOURWAG is now available for all samples for which HOURWAGE is available, with the exeption of 1994-2001.
    • Unharmonized variables are now available in basic monthly samples from 2010-2018.
    • COMPWT and PANLWT are now available in February and March of 2019.
    • PROPTAX is now available for 2016-2018 ASEC samples, STAMPVAL is now available for 2017-2018 ASEC samples, and HOUSRET is now available for the 2018 ASEC.

    Added Variables.

    • DWWKSUN, number of weeks not working between end of lost or left job and start of next job, is now available for Displaced Worker supplements.

    Added samples.

    • Fertility Supplement variables are now available for the June 2018 sample.
    • Veterans supplement variables are now available for the August 2018 sample.

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in HOURWAGE. In some samples, valid values of 99.99 were being conflated with the NIU code. All available samples now have an NIU code of 999.99.
    • An error was found and corrected in the family interrelationship variables linking children to parents in the 1988-1993 ASEC files. Persons with a RELATE value of step-child were incorrectly not linked to the householder and spouse of householder. These individuals now have values reflecting that the householder and spouse of the householder are their parents (MOMLOC and POPLOC) and that this is a clear and direct link (MOMRULE and POPRULE values of 11). This change to include step-children affects other family interrelationship variables by expanding the number of linked children and parents in households. The following variables have changed because of this update: NFATHERS, NMOTHERS, NCHILD, NSIBS, ELDCH, and YNGCH.

April 19, 2019

    Expanded Variables.

    • Civic Engagement and Volunteer supplement variables are now available for the September 2017 sample.

    Added Variables.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the February and March 2019 samples.

April 8, 2019

    Edited Variables.

    • Several errors were found and corrected in METAREA. In the 1977 ASEC, households in unidentified metropolitan areas and households not in a metropolitan area were incorrectly classified as 9999, Missing data. These cases are now codded as 9997 and 9998, respectively. From May 2014-present, Missing data was incorrectly being designated as 9998, not in a metropolitan area. These cases are now recoded to 9999, Missing.

    Added Variables.

    • Unharmonized basic monthly variables are now available from 1976-2009. More information on IPUMS-CPS unharmonized variables can be found here.
    • ASECFWT, ASEC family weight, is now available for all ASEC samples.
    • INTTYPE, type of interview, is now available for all basic monthly samples.

February 20, 2019

    Edited Variables.

    • Several errors were found and corrected in METAREA in September 1995 to Aprio 2004. In these samples, Grand Rapids, MI is now Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland, MI MSA (3000 becomes 3001), and Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester, NH/ME is now Portsmouth-Rochester, NH/ME MSA (6450 becomes 6451).

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the December 2018 and January 2019 samples.

    Expanded variables.

    • Longitudinal weights for linked samples are now available for select samples from 2017-2018. For more information on longitudinal weight availability, the weighting linked samples documentation.
    • KIDCNEED and QKIDCNEE are now available for 2010-2018 ASEC files.

December 21, 2018

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November 2018 sample.

November 16, 2018

    Expanded variables.

    • WHYABSNT is now available for Basic Monthly Samples from 1989-1993.
    • Longitudinal weights for linked samples are now available for samples from 1976-1988.
    • HICOVNOW (renamed to ANYCOVNW), HIOFFER, HIELIG, HINELIG1-6, HINTAKE1-8, and HIOUTTYP are now available for the 2018 ASEC sample.

    Added samples.

    • Displaced Worker and Job Tenure Supplement variables are now available for January 2018.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2018 sample.

October 26, 2018

    Expanded variables.

    • Supplemental Poverty variables are now available for the 2018 ASEC sample.
    • Tax variables are now available for the 2018 ASEC sample.

October 19, 2018

    Expanded variables.

    • FSSUPPWT is now available in the 2017 Food Security supplement.
    • Health Insurance Unit variables are now available for the 2018 ASEC.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2018 sample.

September 28, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in CESUPPWT in the 2008-2010 Civic Engagement Supplements. This variable formerly contained the same weight values as WTFINL. It has been updated to contain supplement-specific weight values.

    Expanded variables.

    • CEPUBOFF is now available in the 2009 Civic Engagement Supplement.
    • WSSUPPWT is now available for May of 1989 and 1991.
    • Food Security Supplement variables are now available for the December 2017 sample.
    • Education Supplement variables are now available for the October 2017 sample.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the August 2018 sample.

September 20, 2018

    Added samples.

    • 2018 ASEC data are now available. Supplemental poverty, tax, and migration data have not been released yet.
    • QINCWAGE is now available for INCWAGE in the ASEC for 1962 and 1968-1975.

September 10, 2018

    Added samples.

    • TCIGDAY is now available in the May 2015 Tobacco Use supplement.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the July 2018 sample.

August 23, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • A coding error has been fixed in JTOCC for samples prior to 2006. The value 9990 instead of -9 is now recoded to 9998=No Response.
    • An error was found and corrected in DWWEEKL and DWWEEKC in samples prior to 1994. The two implied decimals in these variables in these samples are now correctly accounted for in the IPUMS-CPS syntax files.
    • An error was found and corrected in JTYEARS in the January 1983 and 1987 samples. Previously this variable had incorrectly reported years of the same occupation, not with the same employer specifically. This variable has also been modified in these years to include values less than one who reported a number of months instead of years with their current employer. This modification increases comparability with later years.
    • An error was found and corrected in EDSUPPWT in the October 1980 sample. This variable was missing for all records, now there are meaningful weight values.
    • The 1990-based occupation variables have been updated to more accurately reflect the differences introduced by the 2010 Census occupation coding scheme and to correct an error in the pre-2011 basic monthly and supplement data (there are no modifications to pre-2011 ASECs). This table outlines the list of expected changes.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2018 sample.

June 22, 2018

    Added Variables.

    • HHRESPLN, line number of household respondent, is now available for all IPUMS-CPS samples.
    • FAMID, family ID number, is now available for ASEC samples.

    Expanded variables.

    • Child Support supplement variables are now available for 2012 and 2014.

June 15, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the variable STATEFIP in the April, May, and June of 1976 where Illiniois was incorrectly coded as Idaho, South Carolina-Georgia was incorrectly coded as Georgia only, and Delaware-Maryland-Virginia-West Virginia was incorrectly coded as South Carolina.
    • An error was found and corrected in the variable MIGSTA1 in the 1995 ASEC sample. Some records that were previously coded as 0, NIU, now have values of 91, Abroad or 99, Same house.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the April and May 2018 samples.

May 25, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the variable CITIZEN in the samples from 1994-2018. Both NIU and Born in U.S. cases were being recoded to 0. Born in U.S. is now coded as 1, Born in U.S., outlying is now coded as 2. Values 1-3 are now 3-5 and the labels remain the same. NIU cases are coded as 9.
    • An error was found and corrected in the variable YRIMMIG in the months in 2013-2018. For 2013 and on, 2008-2009 is now coded as 2009 instead of 2010. For 2014 and on, 2010-2011 is now coded as 2011 instead of 2012. For 2018 and on, 2014-2015 is now coded as 2015 instead of 2016.

    Expanded variables.

    • Veteran supplement variables are now available for August 2017.
    • VOSUPPWT is now available for the November 2016 sample.

    Added Variables.

    • The variable ACTSAME about work activities during the last year is now available for basic monthly samples from 1994-present.
    • A new set of IPUMS-constructed longitudinal weights are now available. These variables are LNKFW1MWT, LNKFW1YWT, LNKFW8WT, LNKFWMIS14WT, LNKFWMIS45WT, and LNKFWMIS58WT. For more information about these weights and their usage, see this page.
    • The Census Bureau's weight variable for linking adjacent months, PANLWT is now available for basic monthly samples from 1994 to present.

April 20, 2018

    Added Variables.

    • NILFACT is now available in basic monthly samples from 1994-2018
    • Composite weights (COMPWT) are now available for basic monthly samples from 1998 forward. This weight should be used to replicate BLS employment estimates.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the March 2018 sample.

March 23, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in the January 2009 sample in CLASSWKR. Records that should have been coded as 26=Armed Forces were being assigned other values.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the February 2018 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • Select variables from the Displaced Worker supplement are now available for January 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, and February of 1994.
    • Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility variables are now available for January 1983 and 1987.

March 6, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in YRIMMIG in the 2017 basic monthly samples. The value 24 was labeled as 2014-2016; its correct label for these samples is 2014-2017.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the January 2018 sample.

February 16, 2018

    Edited Variables.

    • Prior to February of 2018, weighting information for all ASEC samples and any topical supplement variables were contained in WTSUPP and/or HWTSUPP(This variable was renamed. Please see this renaming scheme for more information.). These variables have been replaced with a set of supplement specific variable weights. For more information, see our weights cross walk page.

    Expanded variables.

    Added Variables.

    • WKXPNS is now available in ASEC samples from 2006-2017.

January 25, 2018

    Added Variables.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the November and December 2017 samples.

December 21, 2017

    Edited Variables.

    • NWLOOKWK2 has a new coding scheme: 1 became 10, 2 became 20, 3 became 30, 4 became 40, 6 became 41, and 5 became 50.
    • An error in documentation was corrected in EDYRDIP, EDYRATT, and EDYRDEG in the 2006 and 2007 education supplements. These samples had previously indicated the inncorrect years in the metadata. This error has been corrected, no underlying data has changed.

    Expanded variables.

    • Health Insurance Unit variables are now available for the 2017 ASEC.

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the October 2017 sample.

    Edited variables.

    • QOINCWAGE is no longer available in the 1962-1987 ASEC. QINCWAGE is now available for INCWAGE in the ASEC from 1976-1987.

November 10, 2017

    Edited variables.

    • An error was corrected in WORKLY. All those who did not work during the previous year are now NIU for CLASSWLY.
    • Selected months between the years of 1978 and 1981 now include records with ages under 14. See here for more information.
    • An error was found and corrected in FWKPUBAG in the 1976-1987 ASEC samples. Codes 1 and 2 were switched.

    Added samples.

    • Food security supplement variables are now available for December 2016.
    • Tax variables are now available for the 2017 ASEC sample.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the September 2017 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • Supplemental Poverty Measures (SPM) are now available for the 2017 ASEC sample.

September 28, 2017

    Added samples.

    Edited variables.

    • WTSUPP was updated for December 2014 to include the person supplement weight rather than the household supplement weight. WTSUPP was also added for December 2015.

September 18, 2017

    Added samples.

    • HHTENURE is now available for July 2016 - June 2017 samples.
    • 2017 ASEC data are now available. Supplemental poverty and tax data have not been released yet.

September 6, 2017

    Edited variables.

    • An error was found and corrected in FRAGE1 in the 2012, 2014, and 2016 June samples. This variable was being reported in years instead of months.

    Added samples.

    • WTSUPP is now available for the September 2015 Volunteer Supplement and the 1976-1992 and 2014 Voter Supplements.
    • Selected voting supplement variables are now available in the November 1990 and November 2016 samples.
    • Selected civic engagement supplement samples are now available in the November 2009 sample.
    • Selected education supplement variables are now available in the October 1976-1988 and 2016 samples.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for the June 2017 and July 2017 samples.
    • Certification variables, PROFCERT, STATECERT, and JOBCERT are now available in 2017 Basic Monthly samples.

    Added variables.

    • Variables from the Un(der)banked supplement are now available in January 2009 and June 2011, and 2013 samples.

June 22, 2017

    Added samples.

    • WTSUPP is now available for the June 2014 Fertility supplement.
    • Basic monthly variables from the April 2017 and May 2017 samples are now available.
    • TSMKER is now available for the May 2011 tobacco supplement.
    • PROFCERT and STATECERT now include all 2016 basic monthly samples.
    • OCC2010 is now available for the June 1991, September 1991, November 1992, September 1993, and August 2010 samples.
    • Selected Fertility Supplement variables are now available for June 2012, 2014, and 2016.
    • Selected Education Supplement variables are now available for October 2015
    • Selected Voter Supplement variables are now available for November 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, and 1992 samples.

    Edited variables.

    • An error was corrected in PROFCERT for all 2015 basic monthly samples. Codes for yes and no were reversed.
    • An error was corrected in SCHLCOLL in the May 2011 sample. Values 1-3 are available again.
    • An error was corrected in EMPSAME in the March 1994 sample. The variable is no longer all NIU.
    • VOTERES was expanded to the new samples . Additionally, has been changed from a 2-digit to 3-digit, due to the overlapping of categories accross years
    • The new Voter Supplement variables VOTED and VOREG replace the old variable VOTEREG, which conflated "don't know" and "did not vote" responses.

    Added variables.

    • JOBCERT, whether your job requires certification, is now available for all 2016 basic monthly samples.
    • FRMARFIRST, Living arrangement at first birth, is now available in June samples from 2012, 2014, and 2016.

May 3, 2017

    Edited variables.

    • A programming improvement in SPRULE and SPLOC has altered values for a few records in many CPS samples. Parental pointers and other constructed family interrelationship variables are also affected in some samples.
    • An error has been corrected for MIGSTA1 in the 1995 ASEC sample. It was formerly identical to MIGSTA5.
    • An error was fixed in SPMFEDTAXAC and SPMTOTRES in the 2016 ASEC sample to reflect updated information released by the census bureau.
    • A programming error was fixed in JTYEARAGO for all Job Tenure supplement samples; records that used to have a value of 2 now have a value of 99. The universe statement has also been updated.
    • An error was corrected in VTAP for the August 2011-2014 samples. The value 11 (No, not eligible) is now available for these samples.
    • VGULFWAR was erroneously listed as available in the August 2001 and 2003 samples. These have been removed.
    • An error was fixed in METRO for the 1994-1997 basic monthly samples. The value 4 (Central city status unknown) is now available for these samples.

    Added samples.

    • ELIGORG is now available for the ASEC in 2014-2016.
    • FAMUNIT and FAMSIZE are now available for basic monthly samples in 1976-1988.
    • Selected Veterans Supplement variables are now available for August 2015 and 2016.
    • TINTLANG, language of interview, is now available for all Tobacco Use Supplement samples
    • Selected Tobacco Use Supplement variables are now available for May 2011, July 2014, January 2015, and May 2015.
    • HICOVNOW (renamed to ANYCOVNW) is now available for the entire 2014 ASEC sample, as well as the 2015 and 2016 ASEC samples.
    • QEMPSTAT is now available for 2016 basic monthly samples.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for January, February, and March 2017 samples.

    Added variables.

March 15, 2017

    Added variables.

    • OCC10LY is now available for 1968-2016 ASEC samples.
    • NWLOOKWK2, weeks looking for work last year, intervalled, is now available for all ASEC samples.
    • Selected variables from the Computer and Internet Use supplement are now available for 2013 and 2015.
    • In the 2010 and 2012 Computer and Internet Use supplements, CINTOUTH, CINTOTHHH, CINTLIBH, and CINTSCHH have been added as household-level versions of CINTOUT, CINTOTHH, CINTLIB, and CINTSCH, respectively. In these samples, these questions were asked regarding any person in the respondent's household rather than for each person in the household.

    Edited variables.

    • The November 2008 through 2016 samples now distinguish between Nonidentifiable non-metro areas (coded as 0) from nonidentifiable metro areas (coded as 4) in the METRO variable.
    • FFNGCARE, FFNGCAID, PMVCAID, and PMVCARE have been removed from the 2012, 2013 and 2014 ASEC samples.
    • An error was found and corrected in FSSTATUS in the 2002 December sample. This sample was incorrectly indicating household food security status over the past 30 days rather than the past 12 months.

February 15, 2017

    Edited variables.

    • In January 2017, the census bureau updated the SPM Research File to include corrected tax variables and supplemental poverty variables for the 2016 ASEC sample. This modification corrected the determination of eligibility for the earned income tax credit for tax units without any children. This correction affects ADJGINC, EITCRED, FEDTAX, FEDTAXAC, FILESTAT, MARGTAX, SPMEITC, SPMFEDTAXAC, SPMFEDTAXBC, SPMPOV, SPMSTTAX, STATETAX, and TAXINC.
    • A value in OCC1990 was micoded for all data from 2003 forward. Specifically, Teacher Assistants were erroneously coded as Teachers, n.e.c. (159); they are now coded as Teacher's Aides (387).

    Added samples.

    • Select variables from the Displaced worker and Job Tenure supplements are now available for January 2016.
    • FAMINC is now available in 2016 basic monthly samples.
    • HRHHID and HUHHNUM are now available in ASEC samples from 1962-1988.
    • HWTSUPP(This variable was renamed. Please see this renaming scheme for more information.). is now available for December samples in 2013-2015.
    • Basic monthly variables are now available for November and December, 2016 samples.
    • EARNWEEK is now available for May 1993.
    • CPSIDP is now available for ASEC samples from 2011-2015. This is made possible by the addition of MARBASECIDP which is available from 1989-2015.

    Edited supplemental files.

    • Changes were made to a Census Bureau income data replacement values file called "swapvalues", provided in a form that is compatible with IPUMS data extracts on the Income Component Cell Means Replacement Values page. Some income replacement values were coded as 99999, which is typically an NIU code. These values have been replaced with 99997 to indicate that the income value was topcoded due to a limited number of digits, and the codes should be treated as an income value.

    Added variables.

December 8, 2016

    Edited variables.

    • A programming error in the IPUMS constructed family pointers was fixed. As a result, several records in most samples have a change in an IPUMS pointer variable and dependent variables.
    • An error was corrected in FAMINC in basic monthly samples from 1984 forward. Records that were formerly coded as 460 (now $12,500-14,999) are now 470; records that were formerly 470 are now 480 ($13,000-13,999); records that were formerly 480 are now 490 ($14,000-14,999).
    • Added clarification in the variable descriptions for FSSPDML, FSSPDMOR, FSULXPNS, and FSPOOR, regarding minor questionnaire changes in 2002, 2008, and 2009.
    • Added clarification in all relevant Food Security Supplement variable descriptions as well as the Food Security Supplement sample notes regarding the universe for April, 2001
    • An error was corrected in FSBALCH and FSRAWSCRMC that switched codes 98 and 99.
    • The variable description for FSRASCH was updated to clarify a difference in precision starting in 2000.

    Added samples.

    • Select variables from the Internet and Computer Use Supplement are now available for 2013 and 2015
    • The 2015 Food Security Supplement is now available.
    • Select variables from the Public Arts supplement are now available for 2013 and 2015.
    • 2016 September and October basic monthly samples are now available.
    • CPSIDP is now available for ASEC samples from 1989-2010. This is made possible by the addition of MARBASECIDP which is available from 1989-2015.

    Added variables.

October 26, 2016

October 24, 2016

    Edited variables.

    • An error was corrected in the 2008 Public Arts Supplement. Missing values that were previously coded as 95 are now coded as 98.
    • An error was corrected in OCC2010 in the 1968-1970 ASEC in which Accountants and Auditors were being incorrectly recoded to NIU.
    • The variable descriptions for FSULXPNS, FSSPDREST, FSSPDOTH, FSSPDMOR, and FSSTMPVAL have been updated to document topcode changes over time.
    • A logical error was corrected which was causing a small number of people in all samples to be assigned in correct values for MOMLOC, MOMLOC2, POPLOC, POPLOC2, MOMRULE, MOM2RULE, POPRULE, and POP2RULE. This change also affects computed family structure variables such as NMOTHERS, NFATHERS, and NCHILD.
    • An error was corrected in YRIMMIG in which the some records in 2015 basic monthly surveys were incorrectly classified as 2010-2013 when they should have been classified as 2012-2015.
    • A small number of cases in SPMCHXPNS in the 2015 ASEC have changed from -99998 to non-zero values.
    • The MULTJOB labels for yes and no were transposed; the underlying data are unchanged.

    Added samples.

    • Select variables from the Public Arts supplement are now available for 2012.
    • The Volunteer supplement is now available for 2014 and 2015.
    • The Civic Engagement supplement is now available for 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2013.
    • January-August 2016 basic monthly samples are now available.

    Expanded variables.

    • FSFAMINC has been renamed FAMINC and is now available in the ASEC from 1976 to 2015 and in basic monthly surveys from 1982 to 2015.
    • WTSUPP is now available for the October 2012 and 2014 samples.

    Added variables.

September 20, 2016

    Edited variables.

    • An error was corrected in FSRAWSC95 in December 2012 and 2013. The scale had been shifted up by one, and a few households with no affirmative response had been coded with raw score of 1. The scale now reflects the correct scale, and all household with no affirmative response are now coded as 0.
    • An error was corrected in FAMREL in November, 2005 and May, 1995. Several records are now coded as 9.
    • An error was corrected in FWKPUBAG in the 1976-1987 ASEC. Some records that were coded as 2 are now coded as 1.
    • An error was corrected in WTSUPP for the June, August, October, and November in 2000; August, September, and October in 2001; and October and November in 2002. These files previously used 1990-based weights; they now use 2000-based weights.
    • An error was corrected in FRBIRTHY; all records with values greater than 1961 are now one greater than they were.
    • Values 1 and 2 were transposed in FSSPDML in December 2013.
    • QINCWAGE, QINCFARM, and QINCBUS were re-named to to QOINCWAGE, QOINCFARM, and QOINCBUS, respectively. These variables are now the data quality flags for OINCWAGE, OINCFARM, and OINCBUS, respectively.
    • A programming error fixed BLVENOWK, CANTFIND, FAMDUTY, HANDICAP, KIDDUTY, LACKSCHL, SCHLDUTY, ILHEALTH, WRONGAGE, and OTHEREAS in 1976-1987 ASEC samples. Those who maybe wanted a job were being incorrectly recoded to NIU. These records formerly had a value of 0 and now have a value of 1.
    • EARNWT values have changed for April and June 2001. We had previously replaced the original weights for April and June 2001 with weights based on 2000 population controls. Unfortunately, the April and June weights based on 2000 population controls were problematic. To address this issue, we have reverted back to delivering the original weights delivered with the April and June files.

    Added Samples.

    • The 2016 ASEC is now available, including supplemental poverty variables.

    Expanded variables.

    • The Volunteer supplement is now available for September, 2014.
    • FREVER is now available for June, 2014.
    • POPSTAT is now available for basic monthly data from 1984-2015.
    • The Displaced Worker/Job Tenure supplement is now available for January, 2014.
    • The Food Security Supplement is now available for December, 2014.

    New variables.

August 16, 2016

    Family interrelationship variables.

    Edited variables.

    • An error in WHYPTLWK for basic monthly samples from 1994 forward has been fixed; there are now more not-in-universe values than there were previously.
    • The precision of HHWT and HWTSUPP(This variable was renamed. Please see this renaming scheme for more information.) has improved in the 1963-1967 ASEC.
    • WTSUPP is different due to rounding for six cases in the 1966 ASEC.
    • A programming change in QSEX in September 1976 has resulted in some records previously coded as 0 now coded as 12. This same change affected QSEX for several records in the March 1986, February 1985, December 1984, June 1979, and May 1979 in which a value of 12 was erroneously assigned to a female spouse whose sex was unchanged, while the head of the household, whose sex was allocated, had a QSEX value of 0.
    • MARST was previously edited based on the constructed variable SPLOC. In most basic monthly samples between 1976 and 1988, a handful of records (under 15 per sample) which were previously coded as 1 now take on other values for
    • A programming error was corrected in OUT in the 2010-2014 ASEC. Several thousand records previously coded as 2 are now coded as 1.
    • An error in the 1988 ASEC was found in which 25 non-interview households to have values for OWNERSHP has been fixed. These records have been recoded to NIU. These records, previously coded as 10 and 22, are now coded as 0.
    • A programming improvement has increased the precision of the variable HINSWT in the 2000-2011 ASEC.
    • A programming error affecting ILHEALTH, HANDICAP, KIDDUTY, BLVENOWK, CANTFIND, LACKSCHL, WRONGAGE, FAMDUTY, SCHLDUTY, OTHEREAS, and UNKREASN in the 1976-1987 ASEC was corrected. Records previously coded as 2 are now coded as 1.
    • EMPSTAT has been corrected for June, July, and August 1995. Records previously incorrectly coded as 00, 01, or 20 are now coded as 21. This correction also affects OCC1990 and IND1990 in June, July, and August 1995 where these records are now in-universe. EMPSTAT has also been corrected for the 2003 ASEC. Records that were incorrectly coded as 20 are now coded as 21 or 22.
    • An error in NATIVITY in October and November 2009 and August 2010 was corrected: values that formerly had values of 4 or 5 now have values of 2 or 3.
    • MBPL in November 2009 previously specified respondent's birthplace rather than mother's birthplace. This correction also affects NATIVITY.
    • FBPL in October 2009 previously specified respondent's birthplace rather than father's birthplace. This correction also affects NATIVITY.
    • EDUC has changed for basic monthly samples from 1976-1988. Specifically, values previously coded as 71 are now coded as 60. Many values previously coded as 73 are now coded as 72.

    Expanded variables.

    • ASECFLAG is now available in the March basic monthly sample for 2015.
    • PERNUM is now available for 2015 Basic Monthly samples.

March 23, 2016

February 8, 2016

    Expanded variables.

    • The Voter Supplement now includes November 2014.
    • The Veteran Supplement now includes August 2014.
    • HIU variables are now available for the 2014 (3/8 sample) and 2015 ASEC samples.
    • WKSTAT is now available for all ASEC samples. WKSTAT codes have been revised to account for changes in the variable across time.

    Edited variables.

    • CPSID values have been updated for many samples to correct a false assumption in the CPSID-generation algorithm.
    • HRSERSUF values previously coded as -1 are now coded as 0.
    • VOTERES was modified to include a new cateogry, "less than one year."

December 15, 2015

December 3, 2015

    Expanded variables.

    • The 2014 basic monthly samples are now available with select variables.
    • The Education Supplement is now available for 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
    • ASECFLAG is now available in ASEC and March Basic samples from 1976 to 1985.
    • OCC1990, IND1990, REGION, and STATECENSUS are now available for the 2015 ASEC sample.
    • CBSASZ is now available for all samples between 2011 and 2015.
    • CPSID is now available for basic monthly samples between 1976 and 1988. Please note that values of CPSID for some records in basic monthly samples in 1989 and 1990 have changed to reflect that the first time an individual was interviewed was in a sample that was not available when we created CPSID for 1989 and 1990.
    • ELIGORG is now available for all samples between 1982 and 1988, and an error in ELIGORG was fixed in the 1994 ASEC sample.
    • QWHYABSN is now available for basic monthly samples from 1976 to 1977.

    Added variables.

    • OCC2010 is now available for samples between 1968 and 2015.
    • HICOVNOW (renamed to ANYCOVNW) is now available for the 2014 ASEC sample.
    • The usual and last week hours work variables have undergone a complete overhaul in order for users to more easily interpret the meaning of variable names. We are providing new variables in addition to renaming the existing IPUMS variables. UHRSWORK is now UHRSWORKLY, HRSWORK is now AHRSWORKT, and HRSWORKORG is now UHRSWORKORG. Note that UHRSWORKORG is not available for pre-1994 samples, unlike the earlier HRSWORKORG variable. New variables are: UHRSWORKT, UHRSWORK1, UHRSWORK2, AHRSWORK1, and AHRSWORK2.

    Edited variables.

    • In ASEC samples between 1968 and 1975 previously recoded persons under age 14 as "Never married" instead of "Not In Universe" in MARST.
    • AHRSWORKT (previously HRSWORK) codes of 0 have been recoded as NIU for January and February of 1989, and a note has been added to the variable description regarding the 0 code for the 1962 ASEC sample.
    • A value was added to the variable QSEX to indicate where SEX was allocated by IPUMS in the case of same-sex households in 1976-1988 samples.
    • An error was corrected in the universe statements for IND, IND1950, IND1990, OCC, OCC1950, and OCC1990. Individuals in all rotation groups are included in these variables, not just outgoing ones.
    • For basic monthly samples in 1986, we had erroneously been using an unedited version of LINENO. LINENO in 1984 to 1986 is now the edited version from the Census Bureau.
    • For basic monthly samples between 1989 and 2013, some values of CPSID have been adjusted. The match rates are identical, but small numbers of records now have new values.

September 29, 2015

September 25, 2015

August 6, 2015

    Added variables.

    • ELIGORG and OTPAY (part of the Earner Study) have been added. ELIGORG is available for all samples between 1989 and 2013. OTPAY includes all samples from 1994 to 2013, excluding ASEC samples.
    • FAMKIND is now available for all ASEC samples from 1976 onward.
    • LFPROXY is now available for all non-ASEC samples from January 1989 onward.

    Expanded variables.

    • MIGSTA1 and MIGRATE1 are now available for the 1995 ASEC.
    • VETQA was expanded to include the 1988 ASEC sample.
    • SSIKID and SSKID were added to the 2001 ASEC sample. The universe and comparability sections were updated to reflect differences in the universe between 2001 and the following years. The universe section was also updated to correct an error: people with a positive value for INCSSI and INCSS are not in universe for SSIKID and SSKID respectively.
    • 52 Data quality flag variables are now avaiable for the basic monthly samples between 1989 and 2010.
    • 1 flag variable was expanded to all basic monthly samples between 1994 and 2013 (QPAIDHOU).
    • 1 flag variable was expanded to all basic monthly samples between September 1995 and 2013 (QEARNWEE).
    • 5 flag variables were expanded to all basic monthly samples between 2009 and 2013 (e.g. QPECOHAB, QPEDADTYP).
    • 1 flag variable was expanded to all basic monthly samples between 2003 and 2013 (QHISPAN).
    • 13 flag variables were expanded to all basic monthly samples between 2011 and 2012 (e.g. QCIEMAIL, QCIHFORWK).
    • 27 flag variables were expanded to all basic monthly samples between 2011 and 2013 (e.g. QAGE, QASPOUSE).
    • 4 flag variables were expanded to selected basic monthly samples between 2001 and 2012 (e.g. QCICOMPYR in July 2011).
    • 4 data quality flags are now available for select ASEC samples between 1986 and 2013 (e.g. QHRSWORK).
    • MOMLOC is now available for basic monthly samples between 1989 and 1993.
    • EARNWEEK, HOURWAGE, HRSWORKORG, and PAIDHOUR are now available for basic monthly samples between 1989 and 1993.
    • VETSTAT is now available for basic monthly samples between 1989 and 2013.
    • COUNTY is now available from September 1995 onward.
    • REGION is now available from January 1989 onward.

    Edited variables.

    • WTFINL weights have changed for April and June 2001. We had previously replaced the original weights for April and June 2001 with weights based on 2000 population controls. Unfortunately, the April and June weights based on 2000 population controls were problematic, yielding population totals that are far too low. To address this issue, we have reverted back to delivering the original weights delivered with the April and June files.
    • An error was corrected in TCUT in the May 2010 sample.
    • An error was corrected in TAMSMK in the January 2011, January 2007, and November 2003 samples.
    • An error was corrected in THABIT1 in the January 2011, January 2007, and November 2003 samples.
    • An error was corrected in TSINCEDAILY in the May 1993 sample.
    • An error was corrected in PAIDHOUR in the January 1994 sample.
    • CLASSWKR now identifies respondents in the Armed Forces in all basic monthly samples between 1989 and 1993.
    • For basic monthly samples in 1989-1993 and 2008 through 2013, UNION was recoded to identify respondents who were covered by a union, but not a member.
    • Ann error was corrected in the description of QWHYABSN. This is the flag for WHYABSNT, not ABSENT.

June 8, 2015

    Added variables.

    • Supplemental Poverty Measures (SPM) are now available for ASEC 2014 (5/8th sample).

    Edited variables.

    • DURUNEMP cases previously coded as 999 with original values of 0 are now coded as 0 for non-ASEC samples between 1994 and the present, and ASEC samples between 1968-1975.
    • EARNWEEK cases previously coded as 999 with original values of 0 are now coded as 0 for non-ASEC samples between 1994 and the present.
    • HOURWAGE cases previously coded as 999 with original values of 0 are now coded as 0 for non-ASEC samples between 1994 and the present.
    • IND/OCC -001 codes changed to 000 for July and November 2013 samples.
    • WTSUP -000000001 codes changed to 000000000 for the following samples: February 1995, April, 1995, February 1997, April 1997, May 1997, February 1999, December 2003.

April 13, 2015

November 25, 2014

September 25, 2014

September 8, 2014

June 19, 2014

April 16, 2014

February 3, 2014

    Added samples.

    • Basic monthly samples were added from January 1989 to December 1993.

    Edited variables.

    • EDPUPR was corrected in the 2008, 2009, and 2010 Education Supplements.
    • INCLUGH was corrected in the 1996-2013 March samples. Codes of 2 were arbitrarily being changed to 1. The error has been addressed and the correct data is now available.
    • DURUNEMP was changed to accurately reflect respondends who are NIU.
    • IND was updated in non-March samples between 1998 and 2002.
    • GOTWELFR was edited to idenfity Blank responses in the 1966 and 1967 March samples.

December 2, 2013

September 25, 2013

    Added data.

    • The 2013 ASEC sample is now available.
    • The data for all publicly-available files for the 2004 ASEC erroneously list HOUSRET values of zero for all observations. IPUMS-CPS has received the corrected data from the Census Bureau and return to home equity data for the 2004 ASEC sample are now available through HOUSRET.

    Added variables.

    • The Census Bureau introduced a new variable for the March 2013 sample to identify subcategories of Asian ethnicity. The IPUMS version ASIAN is now available.
    • Variables for replicating official poverty rates from 1969 through 2012 ASEC samples are now available: OFFPOV, OFFPOVUNIV, OFFCUTOFF, OFFTOTVAL, OFFREASON. See the notes for Replicating Official Poverty for further information.
    • Family type is now available through FTYPE.
    • Insurance variables MOOP and HIPVAL are now available for 2011 through 2013.
    • Full time and part time work status is now available in WKSTAT.

    Edited variables.

    • Corrections were made to harmonize the new categories in FIRMSIZE for 2012-onward.
    • GOTWELFR is now available for March samples 1976 through 1987.
    • OINCWAGE is now available for the March 1988 sample.

September 4, 2013

June 12, 2013

March 25, 2013

    Added variables.

    • Data for the 1992 through 2003 ASEC samples are now available for HOUSRET.

March 12, 2013

    Added variables.

    Edited variables.

    • WTFINL for non-March samples from January 1998 forward was previously available only for those age 16 and over. The variable is now available for all persons.
    • WTSUPP was changed in October samples from 2006 forward. The variable now includes the supplement-specific weight rather than the basic monthly weight. For more information, see this page.
    • A topcode issue with AGE has been resolved in the 2004-2010 basic monthly samples. Beginning in 2004, ages 80-84 are coded as 80, and ages 85+ are coded as 85.

February 5, 2013

December 11, 2012

October 30, 2012

    Edited variables.

    • The widths for the following income and tax variables have been increased to accommodate changes to new topcoding procedures beginning in 2011:
    • Income variables: Respondents under age 14 or 15 (depending on the sample) were previously coded to NIU on all income variables. We continue to do this in the cases where no income is reported; when non-zero income is reported, we now retain the original income values.

October 23, 2012

    Edited variables.

    • BPL, MBPL, FBPL: American Samoa and Samoa were erroneously grouped in samples January 1994 to October 2008. American Samoa is now grouped under US Outlying Areas, and Samoa is now grouped under Oceania. Albania was erroneously listed under Yugoslavia in all samples.
    • INCOTHER: NIU and topcodes were previously assigned erroneously in the March 2011 and 2012 samples.
    • UNION has been corrected for the basic monthly samples of January 1994 - December 1997. The code 3 (Covered by union but not a member) was missing for these samples.
    • SHADAC enhanced health insurance variables (2000-2011) have been revised following revisions to Census estimates. Revised Census variables have not yet been posted.

    Added variables.

September 17, 2012

    Added samples.

    • 2012 ASEC data is now available.

    Edited variables.

    • There are new categories available for year of immigration (YRIMMIG).

August 15, 2012

    Edited variables.

    • The 2011 CPS ASEC person and family data were re-released due to errors found in tax variables after the initial release. These variables are PMVCARE, ADJGINC, EITCRED, FEDTAXAC, FEDTAX, FEDRETIR, FICA, MARGTAX, STATAXAC, STATETAX, TAXINC, DEPSTAT, and FILESTAT.
    • Errors in PROPTAX for the March 2011 supplement have been corrected.
    • Errors in EMPSTAT for the March 2003 supplement have been corrected.
    • Errors in OCCLY for March 2003-2011 supplement have been corrected. This variable is a 4-digit code beginning in 2003.
    • For March 2010-2011 supplement, MWPVAL reports the dollar amount of credit received from Making Work Pay.
    • For March supplements 2005-2011, CTCCRD reports the dollar amount of the Child Tax Credit received and ACTCCRD reports the dollar amount of the Additional Child Tax Credit received.
    • For March 1992-2011, FFNGCARE reports the dollar amount of the family's fungible value of Medicare and FFNGCAID reports the dollar amount of the family's fungible value of Medicaid.

    Added variables.

June 12, 2012

    Edited variables.

    • RELATE and family interrelationship variables in the 1968-1975 March samples were updated.
    • Errors in the RELATE variable for the 1968-1975 March samples have been corrected. In previous versions, RELATE excluded relationships between household members and children under the age of 14.
    • We used additional information from the original CPS data to identify family relationships between children and adults in the household, improving the accuracy of information in the following variables: RELATEMOMLOCSTEPMOMMOMRULEPOPLOC,  STEPPOP,  POPRULE,  SPLOCSPRULE,  FAMSIZE,  NCHILD, NCHLT5FAMUNIT,  ELDCH,  YNGCH, and NSIBS.
    • Fixes were made to tax and non-cash benefit variables: Errors in FEDRETIR were fixed for the March 1992-2011 samples. The previous version of this variable truncated values at four characters wide; the current version is five characters wide. Errors in STAMPVAL for the March 2010 sample were corrected.

February 29, 2012

    Added variables.

    Edited variables.

    • OCC was widened from three digits to four for samples from January 2003 forward for consistency with Census occupation codes.
    • Fixes were made to YRIMMIG to correctly classify recent immigrants into appropriate year ranges.
    • We have discovered errors in poverty variables drawn from the alternative poverty files released by the Census Bureau. We are working to address these errors and will release the alternative poverty variables as soon as we can.

September 22, 2011

    New data soon.

    • The summary health insurance variables (constructed by SHADAC) are not yet available for March 2011; they will be released in the coming months.

    Category change.

    • WHYMOVE has a new category in the 2011 March data that allows respondents to report moving as a result of foreclosure or eviction.

    Edited variables.

    • There are new values available for year of immigration (YRIMMIG).
    • Corrections were made to HINSMILHCOVPRIV, and HCOVPUB in the March 2010 sample.
    • An updated version of the March 1979 file is now available; previously missing records have now been included.

    Added samples.

    • Posted new basic monthly data for January 1998 through December 1999.

May 12, 2011

    Edited variables.

    • The code for "not reported" values on occupation (OCC) in the 1972-1982 samples was changed from 1995 to 1994.
    • The recodes for veteran status (VETSTAT) in the 1976-1987 samples were changed to be consistent with surrounding samples.
    • IPUMS recodes of earner study variables (also known as "outgoing rotation group" variables) have changed. According to Technical Paper 66, issued jointly by the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals eligible for the earner study are civilians age 15 and older in rotation groups 4 or 8 who are not self-employed. In any given month, approximately 1/4 of the CPS sample is in the earner study and each household should appear in the earner study exactly twice. For certain earner study variables, we had imposed age restrictions excluding respondents under age 15 and respondents in the armed forces. In this data release, we remove these universe restrictions. Potentially affected variables include UNION, EARNWTEARNWEEKHRSWORKUHRSWORK, and PAIDHOURBased on documentation from Unicon and NBER, and after an inspection of the original CPS data, we recommend that users impose the CPS eligibility restrictions in any analyses of earner study variables.
    • The previous data release truncated values of veteran's most recent period of service (VETLAST). This problem is fixed in the current data release.
    • The universe for worked full or part time last year (FULLPART) has been expanded to include respondents who worked fewer than 14 weeks last year.
    • The coding scheme for education (EDUC) was modified to distinguish between 4 and 5 years of college. Codes 120 and 121 were added; codes 112-115 changed to 122-125.

    Expanded variables.

    • Codes for class of worker (CLASSWKR) were changed and expanded. Codes now include 21 (Wage/salary, private), 22 (Private, for profit), and 23 (Private, nonprofit). Codes 22 and 23 are unavailable in March supplement samples.

November 6, 2010

    Added variables.

    • Summary health insurance variables  are now available for the 2010 sample. Created by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center at the University of Minnesota, these variables smooth out several measurement differences across the various years of data and yield a consistent and easy-to-use set of health insurance variables.
    • Six new variables measuring family relationships are now available for the 2007-onward samples. These variables identify respondents' spouses (ASPOUSE), cohabiting partners (PECOHAB), mothers (PELNMOM), and fathers (PELNDAD), as well as the specific relationship (biological, step-, or adoptive) of mothers (PEMOMTYP) and fathers (PEDADTYP). Because they are based on survey items, they are likely more accurate than the IPUMS pointers SPLOCMOMLOC, and POPLOC. For more information, see the variable descriptions.
    • Different sources of veteran income (GOTVDISA,  GOTVEDUCGOTVOTHE,  GOTVPENSGOTVSURV) are now available for the 1988 sample.

    Expanded variables.

    • Replicate weights (REPWTREPWTP) are now available for the 2010 sample. These contain full information about the complex sample design of the CPS and can be used to generate estimates of standard errors directly from the data. For more information, see our CPS replicate weight page.
    • Information on respondents' COUNTY of residence is now available for the 1996-onward samples. Users are cautioned that not all counties can be identified due to confidentiality restrictions, so the CPS should not be used to generate county-level statistics.

September 29, 2010

    Edited variables.

    • There are new categories available for year of immigration (YRIMMIG). However, the codes for YRIMMIG still reflect the latest possible year that the respondent immigrated.
    • Several items on which IPUMS welfare variables are based have been removed from the survey and are now unavailable. Of the welfare variables, only receipt of WIC (GOTWIC) remains. (KIDCNEED, identifying children who needed care while their parent(s) worked, is available according to CPS documentation, but is not available in the published data.)
    • Updated data are also available for CMBEG (an alternative measure of poverty) in the 2009 CPS; most respondents were erroneously classified as having family incomes of more than five times the federal poverty level. Users who downloaded this variable previously should revise their extract.

    Added variables.

    • Two allocation flags--one for RACE (QRACE) and one for HISPAN (QHISPAN) are now available. QHISPAN has not been available before, while QRACE was available in a less detailed form and has been expanded to two digits.

    New data soon.

    • Several variables measuring non-cash benefits and after-tax income have been withheld by the Census Bureau until the release of official reports on alternative income and poverty measures. These will be released as they become available, as will the alternative poverty measures themselves.
    • The Summary health insurance variables (constructed by SHADAC) are not yet available; they will be released in the coming months.
    • The CPS replicate weights (calculated by the Census Bureau) were released too late to be included in this update, but IPUMS will include them as soon as possible.

    Updated extract system.

    • Finally, our extract system has been improved for enhanced performance and a more intuitively understandable interface. Click here for a summary of the changes, or see our instructions page for more information.

June 25, 2010

    Edited samples.

    • The previous 2001 CPS has been replaced with the 2001 SCHIP expansion file, which contains data on 98,015 households and 206,639 persons--about 50 percent more households and 70 percent more persons than the previous version. TheSummary health insurance variables are now available for 2001, although other variable availability is unchanged.

    Added variables.

    • A new variable, CPI99, gives the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) to convert any dollar amount into constant 1999 dollars. For more information on how to use this variable, see this page.
    • Five variables are now available on the source of unearned income (INCUNERN) in the 1966 and 1967 samples: GOTSSGOTINTGOTDIVIDGOTRENT, and GOTWELFR. Because data on the amount of unearned income does not distinguish among the sources of unearned income, these variables contain information available nowhere else for these samples. However, users are advised that these variables may be inconsistent with INCUNERN.
    • PROPTAX is now available for the 1992-2003 samples.

    Edited variables.

    • YRIMMIG, previously a three-digit code of intervalled years, is now a four-digit year that represents the latest possible year that the respondent could have immigrated to the U.S.
    • WKSUNEM1 and WKSUNEM2 contained incorrect data in the 1988 sample. They now contain the correct codes.

    Edited documentation.

    • Miscellaneous clarifications and corrections to documentation.

March 2, 2010

    Added variables.

    • New Summary health insurance variables are available. Constructed by the University of Minnesota's Summary health insurance variables(SHADAC), these variables smooth over several temporal inconsistencies in the CPS's measurement of health insurance and make several improvements, most notably with the imputation of verified insurance data for the 1988-1999 period. They largely mirror the measurement of health insurance in the 2008-onward American Community Survey and therefore provide a convenient set of summary variables to easily analyze trends in insurance coverage across time. IPUMS-CPS thanks SHADAC staff for providing these variables and for their assistance in developing documentation.
    • New variables have also been posted for the 2009 CPS that were not available when the data were originally released. They include the  alternative poverty measures along with a new variable for 2009 (STIMULUS) describing individuals' income from the economic stimulus package passed in 2008. Finally, the after-tax variables are now available as well: Newly-released household variables are STAMPVALHOUSRET, and  PROPTAX; Person variables are  ADJGINC, DEPSTATEITCREDEMCONTRBFEDRETIRFEDTAX, FEDTAXACFICAFILESTATMARGTAXPMVCAIDPMVCARESTATETAXSTATAXAC, and TAXINC. Additionally, STAMPVAL is no longer censored by the Census Bureau at $9,999; the new topcode is $19,999. CAPGAIN and CAPLOSS are no longer part of the alternative poverty model and are not included in the 2009 CPS PUMS file.
    • Alternative poverty measures are also now available for the 2009 CPS. These measures were developed by the Census Bureau to incorporate information on medical out-of-pocket costs, geographic differences in the cost of living, and alternative methods of adjusting poverty thresholds for inflation.  For details, see the alternative poverty measures.

    Edited variables.

    • The main education variable has been streamlined to parallel as much as possible its measurement in IPUMS-USA data. EDUCREC has been replaced with EDUC, which contains all information in the original variables. HIGRADE contains additional detail on grade attendance (EDUC, in contrast, informs only about completion) and has been retained. Although EDUC99  is redundant with EDUC, it is also retained because it contains simpler coding that may be of use to users analyzing only 1992-onward data.
    • Negative replicate weight values (REPWT  and REPWTP) are no longer automatically recoded to zero, and more information about working withreplicate the CPS is now available on our replicate weights page.

September 30, 2009

    Added variables.

    • Added replicate weights, recently released by the Census Bureau, to the 2005-2009 CPS samples. Replicate weights can be used to estimate standard errors of sample statistics directly from the data. For more information, please see the REPWTP variable description. Users should be aware that selecting replicate weights will add 160 additional variables to extracts.

September 11, 2009

    Added variables.

    • Seven new disability variables: DIFFHEARDIFFEYEDIFFREMDIFFPHYSDIFFMOBDIFFCARE, and  DIFFANY. These mirror the 2008 American Community Survey data, which will be released in late October.
    • Industry codes (IND) now use the 2007 Census Bureau classification.There are no major substantive differences in the meanings of the categories, although some labels have changed. Only one code is different: industry codes of 6675 (Internet publishing and broadcasting) in the 2003-2008 CPS data have been shifted to 6672 (Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals) in the 2009 CPS data.

    Edited documentation.

    • Documentation has been updated for the health insurance variables PRIVWHO1 (renamed to DPWHO1),  PRIVWHO2 (renamed to DPWHO2),  GRPWHO1, and GRPWHO2, which give the line number (LINENO) of the policyholder if one is covered by a privately purchased or employer-based insurance policy. Although previous documentation stated otherwise, the universe for these variables does not include policyholders themselves, so these variables will not have the same value as LINENO for policyholders.

    New data soon.

    • All other variables from the 2008 CPS remain the same, with the exception of non-cash benefits and tax variables as well as alternative poverty measures. These will be released in the IPUMS-CPS shortly after the Census Bureau releases them, most likely in early 2010.

June 19, 2009

    Added variables.

    • CONTPOV, available from 1968 onwards, gives one's total family income (FTOTVAL) expressed as a percentage of the poverty threshold for that family (CUTOFF). It is comparable to the POVERTY variable in IPUMS-USA.
    • Twelve experimental poverty measures are now available from 2002 onwards. These measures were developed by the Census Bureau to incorporate information on medical out-of-pocket costs, geographic differences in the cost of living, and alternative methods of adjusting poverty thresholds for inflation. For details, see the alternative poverty measures page.

    Edited variables.

    • The new versions also include three corrections to the FAMUNIT coding. In each of the 1962-1994 samples, FAMUNIT has generally changed for less than 0.5 percent of the cases. In each of the 1995-2008 samples, FAMUNIT has changed for 1-2 percent of the cases. Because  FAMSIZE and  NFAMS incorporate information from FAMUNIT, all persons in households where someone has a new FAMUNIT code may have different values for FAMSIZE and NFAMS, even if their own FAMUNIT code has not changed. In practice, though, very few persons have different FAMSIZE and NFAMS values in the 1962-1994 data.
    • The categories of EDUC99 have been altered to conform to the recent IPUMS-USA revision of this variable. Codes of 0-11 remain identical, the code of 12 is now an empty placeholder, and former codes of 12-17 have been shifted to 13-18. This change applies to the codes only; there has been no substantive change in the data.

    Edited documentation.

    • In households where the head is not the first person record, the first person record and any persons linked via MOMLOC, POPLOC, or SPLOC to the first person record were grouped with the primary family (FAMUNIT = 1) because of a programming error. From 1976 to 1993 and from 2006 to 2008, the head was always listed first in the household, and this particular correction does not affect these samples. In other samples, though, unrelated individuals are occasionally listed first; and they and their own relatives were mistakenly given FAMUNIT codes of 1.
    • FAMUNIT codes of 1 are now reserved exclusively for persons with a RELATE code of less than 1100 and any individuals linked to them by birth, marriage, or adoption. Thus household fragments now receive FAMUNIT codes of 2; they received codes of 1 before. This correction affects all samples.
    • A programming error included unmarried partners of the head in the primary family (FAMUNIT = 1). This particular correction affects only the 1995-2008 samples, since the unmarried partner relationship category is available only in these years.
    • The original 1963 CPS data include some nonsense codes for total family income (FTOTVAL). This variable is no longer available for 1963 from IPUMS-CPS.
    • Where the original CPS data has both the head and the head's spouse as the same SEX, the IPUMS imposes an edit that codes the head as male and the spouse as female. The correction allows this edit to be carried out for one household in the 1973 CPS where it did not occur before.

May 19, 2009

February 23, 2009

    New data.

    • Posted new versions for 1962-1967. The only variables affected were OCC, IND, OCCLY, and INDLY. Persons not in the universe previously had values of either 0, 98, 99, or 999. All persons not in the universe now have a value of 99 in all of these variables.

November 9, 2008

    New data.

    • Posted new versions for 1963-2008 to include the original CPS variable FTOTVAL and make improvements to the OCCLY variable for 2003-2008.

September 16, 2008

    New data.

    New data soon.

    • All variables for the 2008 CPS are the same as those available in the 2007 CPS, except for the non-cash benefits and after-tax variables mentioned above, which are again being withheld for several months. These will be released in the IPUMS-CPS shortly after the Census Bureau releases them, most likely in early 2009.

November 12, 2007

    New data.

    • Released a new data extract system with the Attach Variables feature. This allows researchers to create variables specifying the characteristics of respondents' spouses, mothers, fathers, and household heads. New online help for the Case Selection and Attach Variables features is also available via hyperlinks from the data extract system. In addition, we have improved the look and functionality of our variable descriptions and codes pages.

October 24, 2007

    New data.

    • In April 2007, the Census Bureau released a new 2005 data file, with revisions to the health insurance variables. The Census Bureau documents this in a User Note. The new data are part of the current IPUMS-CPS release.
    • In the initial 2006 CPS release, several variables were withheld until the release of official reports on alternative income and poverty measures. These variables have since been released by the Census Bureau and are included in the current IPUMS-CPS release. Newly-released household variables are STAMPVAL,  HOUSRET, and PROPTAX. Person variables are ADJGINCCAPGAIN,  CAPLOSS ,DEPSTATEITCRED,  EMCONTRB,  FEDRETIRFEDTAX,  FEDTAXAC, FICA,  FILESTATMARGTAX,  PMVCAID, PMVCARESTATETAXSTATAXAC, and TAXINC.

    Edited variables.

    • The most significant changes are to the following employment-based insurance variables:GRPWHO1  and GROUPDEP (renamed to GRPDEPLY) (1.3% of cases modified); and GROUPTYP(renamed to GRPTYPLY) (.9% of cases modified).    Another group of health insurance variables (PHINSUR
    • In addition, the latest release of the 2006 CPS includes revisions to the health insurance variables (see the Census Bureau's User Note). The largest changes are to the following employment-based insurance variables: GRPWHO1 and GROUPDEP (renamed to GRPDEPLY)  (1.3% of cases modified); and GROUPTYP(renamed to GRPTYPLY) (1% of cases modified). Another group of health insurance variables (PHINSUR,  PHIOWN,  VERIFY,  COVERGH, and COVERPI) had approximately .7% of their values changed. The rest of the changes to the health insurance variables in 2006 amount to less than .5% of cases modified, except for PAIDGH, GROUPOUT (renamed to GRPOUTLY),  CHAMPVA (renamed to CHAMPVALY), and MOCAID, which were not changed at all.
    • The Census Bureau also modified the following variables (the percent of cases changed to the 'Not applicable' category appears in parentheses after each variable name): UNION (3.7%), EARNWEEK (3.7%), and HOURWAGE (35.3%). Additional information on these changes will appear in a future revision note.

    New data soon.

    • In addition, the Census Bureau modified the following variables (the percent of cases changed to the 'Not applicable' category appears in parentheses after each variable name): UNION (3.7%), EARNWEEK (3.7%), and HOURWAGE (35.3%). Additional information on these changes will appear in a future revision note.

    Survey changes.

    • For the 2007 March CPS, the Census Bureau dropped the Hurricane Katrina questions from the survey (IPUMS-CPS variables KATEVACKATEVAC2, and KATPRIOR) as well as the variable indicating country of previous residence (COUNTRY). All other variables for the 2007 CPS are the same as those available in the 2006 CPS, except for the non-cash benefits and after-tax variables mentioned above, which are again being withheld for several months. These will be released in the IPUMS-CPS shortly after the Census Bureau releases them.

May 1, 2007

    New data.

    • Posted new version of the 1994 sample: a correction was made to the MBPL variable.

February 2, 2007

    New data.

    • Posted new versions of the 2005 and 2006 samples.

    Edited variables.

    • A correction was made to the CUTOFF variable.

December 1, 2006

    New data.

    • Posted new data for 1963, 1966, and 1967. All weighting variables in these samples were adjusted by a constant. The samples now produce accurate population estimates. More information is available on the sample notes page.

October 19, 2006

    Expanded variables.

    Added variables.

    • The Census Bureau released alternative weight variables, which have been included for the 2004 ASEC in IPUMS-CPS as HHWT04 and PERWT04 (see our CPS Weights note for more information).
    • For the 2006 March CPS, several migration questions were added to the survey in order to assess the impact of Hurricane Katrina. The new IPUMS-CPS Katrina variables are KATEVAC, KATEVAC2, and KATPRIOR. In addition, several new veteran variable were introduced. These variables expand the information collected on a veteran's period(s) of service. For more information, see the variable descriptions for the new veteran variables: VET1VET2VET3VET4.

    New data.

    • In August 2006, the Census Bureau released a new 2005 ASEC file. The new dataset includes all variables listed above, plus FEDTAXAC and STATAXAC. In addition, changes were made to the weight variables and several health insurance variables. The Census Bureau documents this along with their March CPS downloads  (Endnote 16). The IPUMS-CPS variables affected by these changes are HWTSUPP(formerly HHWT. This variable was renamed. Please see this renaming scheme for more information.), WTSUPP (formerly PERWT), PAIDGHHIMCAIDHIMCAREHICHAMP, PHINSURPHIOWN,  CAID (renamed to CAIDLY),  CHAMPUS (renamed to TRCCOVLY),  CHAMPVA (renamed to CHAMPVALY),  MILITVA,  GROUPOWN (renamed to GRPOWNLY),  GROUPDEP (renamed to GRPDEPLY), PRIVOWN (renamed to DPOWNLY), PRIVDEP (renamed to DPDEPLY),  GROUPTYP (renamed to GRPTYPLY),  PRIVTYP (renamed to DPTYPLY),  GRPWHO1GRPWHO2,  PRIVWHO1 (renamed to DPWHO1),  PRIVWHO2 (renamed to DPWHO2), SCHIP (renamed to SCHIPLY),  VERIFY, GROUPOUT (renamed to GRPOUTLY),  PRIVOUT (renamed to DPOUTLY),  OUTCOVERGHCOVERPIKIDPRIV, and  KIDCAID. The weight variables were recalculated for the entire sample. For PRIVTYP (renamed to DPTYPLY), about 25% of people who were coded 'Family plan' or 'Self only covered' in the previous version of the dataset are coded 'NIU' in the new data. Aside from the weights and PRIVTYP, the changes to any given variable affect less than 1 percent of person records in the 2005 CPS.

Past Revisions