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Weeks unemployed last year


WKSUNEM1 is a 2-digit numeric value.

99 = N.I.U.


WKSUNEM1 gives the number of weeks, in single weeks, that the respondent looked for work or was on layoff during the preceding calendar year.


Apart from changes in the variable universe, WKSUNEM1 is comparable over time.

Comparability with IPUMS-USA

Apart from differences in the universe, the IPUMS-CPS variable WKSUNEM1 is basically comparable to the IPUMS-USA variable WKSUNEMP. The 1980 census used a higher age limit of 16, compared to age 14 or 15 in the CPS. Because the CPS is designed to measure the labor force experience of civilians, members of the armed forces were not asked this question in the survey. Persons in the military are included in the census data.


  • 1976-1979: Civilians age 14+ who worked between 1 week and 49 weeks last year.
  • 1980-1989: Civilians age 15+ who worked between 1 week and 49 weeks last year.
  • 1990-1995: Persons age 15+ who worked between 1 week and 49 weeks last year.
  • 1996-2023: Persons age 15+ who worked between 1 week and 51 weeks last year.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1976 – 2023 - - X - - - - - - - - -



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