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Could not find work


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CANTFIND (could not find work) reports one of the reasons given to explain a seeming anomaly: why were persons who said they wanted a job not actively looking for work? Adult civilians who were not in the labor force during the previous week (neither working nor temporarily absent from a job nor actively looking for work) were asked whether they currently wanted a job (see WANTJOB), and, if they said "Yes" or "Maybe," were asked the open-ended question, "What is the reason [this person] is not looking for work?" The belief that no work was available is one possible response to this question and is recorded in CANTFIND.

Along with CANTFIND, other responses recognized by the survey are as follows: believes no work available (BLVENOWK); lack schooling (LACKSCHL); employer thinks too young or old (WRONGAGE); poor health or disability (ILHEALTH); other personal handicap (HANDICAP); lack of childcare (KIDDUTY); family responsibilities (FAMDUTY); school or training responsibilities (SCHLDUTY); "other reasons" (OTHEREAS); and "unknown reason" (UNKREASN). Because interviewers recorded all answers, a "yes" response (code 1) in CANTFIND does not preclude "yes" responses for one or more of the other rationales listed above.


Apart from universe changes, this variable is comparable over time.

In the original public use data files for the ASEC CPS, the "not in universe" and "no" (response not given) categories were combined. In IPUMS-CPS, those who were not asked the question, "What is the reason [this person] is not looking for work?" are coded as being "not in universe" (code 0). Those who were asked this question but did not give the specific response "could not find work" are coded "no" (code 2).


  • 1976-1979: Civilians age 14+ in rotation groups 4 or 8 of the survey who were not in the labor force during the previous week and who responded "yes" or "maybe" when asked whether they currently wanted a job.
  • 1980-1993: Civilians age 15+ in rotation groups 4 or 8 of the survey who were not in the labor force during the previous week and who responded "yes" or "maybe" when asked whether they currently wanted a job.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1976 – 1993 - - X - - - - - - - - -



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