Veterans Supplement Sample Notes

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The Veterans Supplement to the CPS is an annual supplement (prior to 2009, the supplement was administered biannually) which includes information on service-connected disability, compensation for the disability, the effect of the disability on the person's labor force status, and participation in veterans' programs. Supplement items are asked of veterans 18 and older in the 1985 through 2003 samples, and veterans 17 and older in 2005 and later samples. In 1985 only male veterans were asked supplement questions. In 1995, active duty personnel were also asked supplement items. The Veterans Supplement is a self-response supplement; proxy respondents were relied on only if multiple attempts to contact the individual were unsuccessful. The supplement is sponsored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Veterans Affairs (VA).

The Veterans Supplement was redesigned in 2021. Questions removed include those regarding Transition Assistance Program (TAP) opinions, reasons for not attending TAP, and types of job training still needed. Added questions cover topics such as veterans benefits, job seeking behaviors, and career services veterans may use. Continuing questions underwent wording, universe, and code changes. Comparability issues in individual variables have been noted where present.

Note on universes: For some variables, the supplement universes found in the original documentation are not reflective of universes found in the data empirically. All Veteran Supplement variables uses the universe that is listed in the original documentation.

For veteran supplement data, except in 1985 where a supplement specific weight was provided, VTSUPPWT values are identical to values for WTVET. This weight is controlled to estimates of veterans supplied by Veterans Affairs.

Veteran Supplement Codebooks

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