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GQTYPE categorizes the household in terms of the family type, including indications of group quarters status. Group quarters households are categorized further by either having families within the household or not. Institutions such as college dorms or military barracks are examples of group quarters without families. GQTYPE also differentiates between households with civilians and households in which either one or both spouses are in the Armed Forces.


This variable is comparable across available samples.

Comparability with IPUMS-USA

This variable is not exactly comparable to the IPUMS-USA version of GQTYPE, which further describes the group quarters type of the household, whereas in IPUMS-CPS, GQTYPE gives more detail about the structure of the family, including whether or not the household is a group quarters.


  • All households.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1994 – 2013 X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2014 – 2024 X X - X X X X X X X X X X


This variable has no flags.

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