Income Components: Topcodes, Replacement Values, and Swap Values
For confidentiality reasons, the Census Bureau has applied disclosure avoidance methods to reported income components to prevent the identification of individuals with extremely high incomes. The evolution of these procedures over time can be divided into traditional topcoding (1962-1995), replacement values (1996-2010), and rank proximity swapping (2011+) phases. Each of these methods and relevant values are detailed below.
Traditional Topcoding
Prior to 1996, there is no documentation regarding topcoding procedures, however, the codebooks do contain maximum allowable values for most income variables; when a maximum allowable value is not included in the codebook, we assume that the maximum allowable value is the maximum possible value for the width of the variable. Any respondent who reported an income ammount over this maximum allowed value would be assigned said maximum value. These values act as an implied topcode and are detailed in the table below. Cells where the maximum allowable value is inferred rather than explicitly stated in the codebook are marked with an asterisk (*).
Topcodes in Income Variables, 1962-1987 | ||||||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 1962-1967 | 1968-1975 | 1976-1981 | 1982-1984 | 1985-1987 |
INCALOTH | I53F | n/a | 50,000 | 50,000 | 75,000 | 99,999 |
INCBUS | I51B | 99,999* | 99,999* | 50,000 | 75,000 | 99,999 |
INCDRT | I53C | n/a | n/a | 50,000 | 75,000 | 99,999 |
INCFARM | I51C | 99,999* | 99,999* | 50,000 | 75,000 | 99,999 |
INCGOV | I53D | n/a | 50000 | 29,999 | 29,999 | 29,999 |
INCIDR | PSRCBINC | n/a | 50,000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
INCRETIR | I53E | n/a | n/a | 50,000 | 75,000 | 99,999 |
INCSS | I52A | n/a | 50,000 | 9,999 | 19,999 | 19,999 |
INCSSI | I52B | n/a | n/a | 5,999 | 5,999 | 9,999 |
INCUNERN | UNEARN2 | 99,999 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
INCWAGE | I51A | 99,999 | 99,999* | 50,000 | 75,000 | 99,999 |
INCWELFR | I53A | n/a | 50000 | 19,999 | 19,999 | 19,999 |
* Maximum allowable value is inferred rather than explicitly stated in the codebook. |
After a redesign of the ASEC survey in 1988, more income variables were added, and some existing ones were modified.
Topcodes in Income Variables, 1988-1995 | ||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 1988-1995 |
INCALIM | ALM-VAL | 99,999 |
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 99,999 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 |
INCDISA1 | DISVAL1 | 99,999 |
INCDISA2 | DISVAL2 | 99,999 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 99,999 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 99,999 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 99,999 |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 99,999 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 99,999 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 99,999 |
INCRETI1 | RET-VAL1 | 99,999 |
INCRETI2 | RET-VAL2 | 99,999 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 29,999 |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 9,999 |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 99,999 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 99,999 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 29,999 |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 199,998 |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 19,999 |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 99,999 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 99,999 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 99,999 |
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Replacement Values
Beginning in 1996, the Census Bureau introduced a replacement value system to preserve privacy for those individuals reporting high incomes. For four variables (ERN-VAL, WS-VAL, SE-VAL, and FRM-VAL), the Bureau assigned a replacement value threshold. More income variables were added to this group beginning in 1998, and this average replacement value method continued through 2010.
A replacement value threshold is different from a traditional topcode. Rather than all reported values above the threshold being recoded to equal that threshold, all records that have an income value equal to or exceeding this threshold will be assigned an income value based on their demographic characteristics. The replacement values are equal to the mean income of other individuals in with the same characteristics as the high-income individual. As a result, records that have had replacement values applied will have income values above the threshold listed in the tables below. Replacement values and characteristics are described in the Replacement/Average Value by Characteristics tables below. Unless there is a specified threshold and replacement values for a variable in the years 1996 to 2010, the maximum possible value is the effective traditional topcode for the variable.
The following table shows maximum possible values and replacement value thresholds for 1996-2010. Users should note that ASEC codebooks from the late 90s seem to include the replacement values as the maximum possible value rather than the maximum possible reported value; this table includes the maximum possible reported value.
Maximum Possible Values and Replacement Value Thresholds, 1996-2010 | |||||||||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 1996-1998 | 1999 | 2000-2002 | 2003-2010 | ||||
Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | ||
INCALIM | ALM-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 | 99,999 | 45,000 |
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 30,000 | 99,999 | 30,000 | 99,999 | 30,000 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 15,000 | 99,999 | 15,000 | 99,999 | 15,000 |
INCDISA1 | DISVAL1 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 35,000 | 99,999 | 35,000 | 99,999 | 35,000 |
INCDISA2 | DISVAL2 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 35,000 | 99,999 | 35,000 | 99,999 | 35,000 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 15,000 | 99,999 | 15,000 | 99,999 | 15,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 20,000 | 99,999 | 20,000 | 99,999 | 20,000 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 99,999 | 35,000 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 35,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 999,999 | 150,000 | 999,999 | 150,000 | 999,999 | 150,000 | 999,999 | 200,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 |
INCRETI1 | RET-VAL1 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 45,000 | 99,999 | 45,000 | 99,999 | 45,000 |
INCRETI2 | RET-VAL2 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 45,000 | 99,999 | 45,000 | 99,999 | 45,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 50,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 50,000 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 999,999 | 1 | 999,999 | 1 | 999,999 | 1 | 999,999 | 1 |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 19,999 | -- | 19,999 | -- | 19,999 | -- | 19,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 999,999 | 40,000 | 999,999 | 40,000 | 999,999 | 40,000 | 999,999 | 50,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 | 99,999 | 25,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 999,999 | 25,000 | 999,999 | 25,000 | 999,999 | 25,000 | 999,999 | 35,000 |
1. INCWAGE is composed of topcoded elements OINCWAGE and INCLONGJ. |
The following tables detail the replacement values for relevant variables and characteristics for each year in 1996-2010. The Replacement Value Characteristics table below is a key for those that follow. Because the IPUMS CPS variable INCWAGE is taken from the Census variable WSALVAL, which is a sum of ERNVAL and WSVAL, some values of INCWAGE will be greater than the values for ERNVAL in the replacement value tables.
Replacement Value Charateristics | |
Code | Charateristics |
M | Male |
F | Female |
NBH | Not Black, Not Hispanic |
B | Black |
H | Hispanic |
FTYR | Full Year (50+ weeks), Full Time (35+ hours per week) |
OTH | Not Full Year, Full Time |
The following tables present replacement value thresholds and replacement values by year for major income components, such as ERN-VAL, SE-VAL, and others.
1996 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 1996 Income Replacement/Average Values
1997 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 1997 Income Replacement/Average Values
1998 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 1998 Income Replacement/Average Values
1999 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 1999 Income Replacement/Average Values
2000 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2000 Income Replacement/Average Values
2001 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2001 Income Replacement/Average Values
2002 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2002 Income Replacement/Average Values
2003 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2003 Income Replacement/Average Values
2004 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2004 Income Replacement/Average Values
2005 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2005 Income Replacement/Average Values
2006 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2006 Income Replacement/Average Values
2007 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2007 Income Replacement/Average Values
2008 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2008 Income Replacement/Average Values
2009 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2009 Income Replacement/Average Values
2010 Income Replacement Value Thresholds & 2010 Income Replacement/Average Values
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Rank Proximity Swapping
In 2011, the Census Bureau shifted from the average replacement value system to a rank proximity swapping procedure to preserve privacy in income variables. In this technique, all values greater than or equal to the swap value threshold are ranked from lowest to highest and systematically swapped amongst one another within a bounded interval. All swapped values are also rounded to two significant digits. The rank proximity swapping method preserves the distribution of values above the threshold, but preserves privacy, as the income value in the data will not be the one that that respondent reported. Users should note that the maximum possible value is also constrained by the width of the variable, even in variables that have rank proximity swapping applied. As in earlier years, variables without swap value thresholds have a defacto topcode at the maximum possible value.
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2011-2018 | |||||||||||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2011-2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | |||||
Maximum Possible Value | Swap Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Swap Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Swap Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Swap Value Threshold | Maximum Possible Value | Swap Value Threshold | ||
INCALIM | ALM-VAL | 99,999 | 66,000 | 99,999 | 96,000 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 99,999 | 30,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 | 99,999 | 42,000 | 99,999 | 35,000 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 21,000 | 99,999 | 17,000 | 99,999 | 18,200 | 99,999 | 18,200 | 99,999 | 21,600 |
INCDISA1 | DISVAL1 | 99,999 | 48,000 | 99,999 | 48,000 | 99,999 | 51,600 | 99,999 | 48,800 | 99,999 | 41,800 |
INCDISA2 | DISVAL2 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 41,800 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 20,000 | 999,999 | 24,000 | 999,999 | 24,000 | 999,999 | 34,000 | 999,999 | 30,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 99,999 | 30,000 | 99,999 | 36,000 | 99,999 | 30,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 99,999 | 24,000 | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 33,873 | 99,999 | 50,827 | 99,999 | 74,243 |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 250,000 | 9,999,999 | 280,000 | 9,999,999 | 300,000 | 9,999,999 | 300,000 | 9,999,999 | 300,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 99,999 | 30,000 | 99,999 | 40,000 | 99,999 | 41,952 | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 51,600 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 60,000 | 99,999 | 50,000 | 99,999 | 60,000 | 99,999 | 60,000 |
INCRETI1 | RET-VAL1 | 99,999 | 64,000 | 99,999 | 66,000 | 99,999 | 70,000 | 99,999 | 69,600 | 99,999 | 72,000 |
INCRETI2 | RET-VAL2 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 66,000 | 99,999 | 70,000 | 99,999 | 69,600 | 99,999 | 72,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 50,000 | -- | 50,000 | -- | 50,000 | -- | 50,000 | -- | 50,000 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 99,999 | 57,600 | 99,999 | 67,000 | 99,999 | 99,999 | 99,999 | 65,000 | 99,999 | 99,999 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | 80,000 | 99,999 | 99,999 | 99,999 | 65,000 | 99,999 | 99,999 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | -- | 9,999,999 | -- | 9,999,999 | -- | 9,999,999 | -- | 9,999,999 | -- |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- | 25,000 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 9,999,999 | 60,000 | 9,999,999 | 100,000 | 9,999,999 | 75,000 | 9,999,999 | 100,000 | 9,999,999 | -- |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 999,999 | 30,000 | 999,999 | 40,000 | 999,999 | 50,000 | 999,999 | 45,000 | 999,999 | 65,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 47,000 | 9,999,999 | 56,000 | 9,999,999 | 55,000 | 9,999,999 | 55,000 | 9,999,999 | 56,000 |
With the redesign of the income section of the ASEC survey in 2019, more variables were given the rank proximity swapping treatment.
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2019 | |||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2019 | |
Maximum Possible Value | Swap Value Threshold | ||
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 999,999 | 50,000 |
INCCAPG | CAP-VAL | 999,999 | 51,500 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 20,400 |
INCDISA1 | DIS-VAL1 | 999,999 | 54,000 |
INCDISA2 | DIS-VAL2 | 999,999 | 54,000 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 54,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 99,999 | 39,000 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 310,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 999,999 | 40,000 |
INCPEN1 | PEN-VAL1 | 999,999 | 80,000 |
INCPEN2 | PEN-VAL2 | 999,999 | 80,000 |
INCRANN | ANN-VAL | 999,999 | 60,000 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 999,999 | 66,000 |
INCRET1 (58+) | DST-VAL1 | 999,999 | 85,000 |
INCRET2 (58+) | DST-VAL2 | 999,999 | 85,000 |
INCRET1 (under 58) | DST-VAL1-YNG | 999,999 | 72,000 |
INCRET2 (under 58) | DST-VAL2-YNG | 999,999 | 72,000 |
INCRINT1 | RINT-VAL1 | 999,999 | 20,000 |
INCRINT2 | RINT-VAL2 | 999,999 | 20,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | -- |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 999,999 | 100,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 999,999 | 35,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 60,000 |
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2020 | |||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2020 | |
Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | ||
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 999,999 | 54,000 |
INCCAPG | CAP-VAL | 999,999 | 85,000 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 21,320 |
INCDISA1 | DIS-VAL1 | 999,999 | 72,000 |
INCDISA2 | DIS-VAL2 | 999,999 | 72,000 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 38,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 99,999 | 37,650 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 360,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 999,999 | 82,992 |
INCPEN1 | PEN-VAL1 | 999,999 | 84,000 |
INCPEN2 | PEN-VAL2 | 999,999 | 84,000 |
INCRANN | ANN-VAL | 999,999 | 60,000 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 999,999 | 75,000 |
INCRET1 (58+) | DST-VAL1 | 999,999 | 81,250 |
INCRET2 (58+) | DST-VAL2 | 999,999 | 81,250 |
INCRET1 (under 58) | DST-VAL1-YNG | 999,999 | 80,000 |
INCRET2 (under 58) | DST-VAL2-YNG | 999,999 | 80,000 |
INCRINT1 | RINT-VAL1 | 999,999 | 44,000 |
INCRINT2 | RINT-VAL2 | 999,999 | 44,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | -- |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 999,999 | 100,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 999,999 | 50,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 70,000 |
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2021 | |||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2021 | |
Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | ||
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 999,999 | 60,000 |
INCCAPG | CAP-VAL | 999,999 | 75,000 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 20,400 |
INCDISA1 | DIS-VAL1 | 999,999 | 50,000 |
INCDISA2 | DIS-VAL2 | 999,999 | 50,000 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 39,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 99,999 | 40,000 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 350,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 999,999 | 58,000 |
INCPEN1 | PEN-VAL1 | 999,999 | 84,000 |
INCPEN2 | PEN-VAL2 | 999,999 | 84,000 |
INCRANN | ANN-VAL | 999,999 | 72,000 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 999,999 | 80,000 |
INCRET1 (58+) | DST-VAL1 | 999,999 | 90,000 |
INCRET2 (58+) | DST-VAL2 | 999,999 | 90,000 |
INCRET1 (under 58) | DST-VAL1-YNG | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRET2 (under 58) | DST-VAL2-YNG | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRINT1 | RINT-VAL1 | 999,999 | 41,000 |
INCRINT2 | RINT-VAL2 | 999,999 | 41,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 999,999 | 100,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 999,999 | 70,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 65,000 |
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2022 | |||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2022 | |
Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | ||
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 999,999 | 48,600 |
INCCAPG | CAP-VAL | 999,999 | 150,000 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 20,400 |
INCDISA1 | DIS-VAL1 | 999,999 | 50,000 |
INCDISA2 | DIS-VAL2 | 999,999 | 50,000 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 34,200 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 999,999 | 40,000 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 400,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 999,999 | 42,000 |
INCPEN1 | PEN-VAL1 | 999,999 | 81,600 |
INCPEN2 | PEN-VAL2 | 999,999 | 81,600 |
INCRANN | ANN-VAL | 999,999 | 56,928 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 999,999 | 92,000 |
INCRET1 (58+) | DST-VAL1 | 999,999 | 98,000 |
INCRET2 (58+) | DST-VAL2 | 999,999 | 98,000 |
INCRET1 (under 58) | DST-VAL1-YNG | 999,999 | 89,000 |
INCRET2 (under 58) | DST-VAL2-YNG | 999,999 | 89,000 |
INCRINT1 | RINT-VAL1 | 999,999 | 40,000 |
INCRINT2 | RINT-VAL2 | 999,999 | 40,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | -- |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 9,999,999 | 100,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 9,999,999 | 37,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 75,000 |
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2023 | |||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2023 | |
Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | ||
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 999,999 | 48,000 |
INCCAPG | CAP-VAL | 999,999 | 60,629 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 24,000 |
INCDISA1 | DIS-VAL1 | 999,999 | 59,800 |
INCDISA2 | DIS-VAL2 | 999,999 | 59,800 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 25,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 999,999 | 50,000 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 400,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 999,999 | 38,400 |
INCPEN1 | PEN-VAL1 | 999,999 | 81,600 |
INCPEN2 | PEN-VAL2 | 999,999 | 81,600 |
INCRANN | ANN-VAL | 999,999 | 74,000 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRET1 (58+) | DST-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRET2 (58+) | DST-VAL2 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRET1 (under 58) | DST-VAL1-YNG | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRET2 (under 58) | DST-VAL2-YNG | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCRINT1 | RINT-VAL1 | 999,999 | 20,000 |
INCRINT2 | RINT-VAL2 | 999,999 | 20,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | -- |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 9,999,999 | 100,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 9,999,999 | 35,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 83,991 |
Maximum Possible Values and Swap Thresholds, 2024 | |||
IPUMS Variable | Census Variable | 2024 | |
Maximum Possible Value | Replacement Value Threshold | ||
INCASIST | FIN-VAL | 999,999 | 48,000 |
INCCAPG | CAP-VAL | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCCHILD | CSP-VAL | 99,999 | 26,400 |
INCDISA1 | DIS-VAL1 | 999,999 | 60,000 |
INCDISA2 | DIS-VAL2 | 999,999 | 0 |
INCDIVID | DIV-VAL | 999,999 | 40,000 |
INCEDUC | ED-VAL | 999,999 | 46,170 |
INCINT | INT-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCLONGJ | ERN-VAL | 9,999,999 | 415,000 |
INCOTHER | OI-VAL | 999,999 | 78,000 |
INCPEN1 | PEN-VAL1 | 999,999 | 87,000 |
INCPEN2 | PEN-VAL2 | 999,999 | 87,000 |
INCRANN | ANN-VAL | 999,999 | 64,800 |
INCRENT | RNT-VAL | 999,999 | 120,000 |
INCRET1 (58+) | DST-VAL1 | 999,999 | 97,200 |
INCRET2 (58+) | DST-VAL2 | 999,999 | 97,200 |
INCRET1 (under 58) | DST-VAL1-YNG | 999,999 | 78,000 |
INCRET2 (under 58) | DST-VAL2-YNG | 999,999 | 78,000 |
INCRINT1 | RINT-VAL1 | 999,999 | 42,000 |
INCRINT2 | RINT-VAL2 | 999,999 | 42,000 |
INCSS | SS-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSSI | SSI-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCSURV1 | SUR-VAL1 | 999,999 | 100,000 |
INCSURV2 | SUR-VAL2 | 999,999 | 0 |
INCUNEMP | UC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCVET | VET-VAL | 999,999 | -- |
INCWAGE | WSAL-VAL | 9,999,999 | -- |
INCWELFR | PAW-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
INCWKCOM | WC-VAL | 99,999 | -- |
OINCBUS | SE-VAL | 9,999,999 | 146,000 |
OINCFARM | FRM-VAL | 9,999,999 | 60,000 |
OINCWAGE | WS-VAL | 9,999,999 | 85,000 |
Topcode flags
Beginning in 2011, variables with rank proximity swapping have accompanying topcode flags which identify records that have had this method applied. These flags can be found in the Flags tabs.Comparability
In their 2008 paper, Consistent Cell Means for Topcoded Incomes in the Public Use March CPS (1976-2007), Larrimore et al. generated replacement values using restricted CPS data from 1976 to 2002. This data, including IPUMS identifiers, can be downloaded from this page. The Census Bureau created a similar file that uses the rank proximity swap value method to replace topcoded values from 1975-2010. We also provide this file with IPUMS identifiers at the same page. Both files provide researchers with consistent topcoding methods over time.