Hours Worked Variables Notes
There are multiple overlapping hours worked variables as part of the sequence of basic labor force questions, ASEC supplement questions, and Outgoing Rotation Group/Earner Study questions. These notes summarize the differences between harmonized IPUMS variables. Details on the availability and specific codes can be found on each variable's description page. With the exception of UHRSWORKORG, the hours worked variables can be found in the Work variable category under Person variables.
Actual hours worked - last week
There are three variables that report the actual number of hours the respondent worked in the week before the survey.
- AHRSWORKT is the total number of hours worked over all jobs in the last week. This variable is available for all samples from 1989 onward and ASEC samples from 1982 to 1988.
- AHRSWORK1 is the number of hours worked at the main job in the last week. This variable is available for non-ASEC samples 1994 onward.
- AHRSWORK2 is the number of hours worked at all other job(s) in the last week. This variables is available for non-ASEC samples 1994 onward.
Usual hours worked per week
There are five variables describing the usual number of hours the respondent worked per week.
- UHRSWORKLY is the total number of hours usually worked per week over all jobs the year prior to the survey (last year). This variable is only available in ASEC samples from 1976 onward.
- UHRSWORK1 is the number of hours usually worked per week at the respondent's main job. The time frame is unspecified, unlike in UHRSWORKLY. This variable is available in all samples as part of the Outgoing Rotation Group/Earner Study from 1982-1993, and from 1994 on was asked of employed, civilian adults in all rotation groups as part of the basic labor force sequence of questions.
- UHRSWORK2 is the number of hours usually worked per week at other job(s). The time frame is unspecified, unlike in UHRSWORKLY. This variable is available for all non-ASEC samples from 1994 and onward.
- UHRSWORKT is the total number of hours usually worked per week at all job(s). The time frame is unspecified, unlike in UHRSWORKLY. This variable is available for all samples from 1994 and onward.
- UHRSWORKORG is an Outgoing Rotation Group/Earner Study variable available from 1994 on for non-ASEC samples. The time frame is unspecified, unlike in UHRSWORKLY. This variable differs from UHRSWORK1 in that UHRSWORKORG asks about the usual hours worked at the pay rate specified in the Earner Study questions. Thus Outgoing Rotation Group/Earner Study usual hours worked variables can either be UHRSWORK1 or UHRSWORKORG, depending on whether the sample of interest is from before or after the 1994 redesign.