Occupation Codes for the OCCLY variable, 1962-1967
Please note: the variable OCC has a different set of codes during these years (see the OCC codes page)
- 001
- Professional and technical--medical and other health workers, self-employed
- 002
- Professional and technical--other self-employed
- 003
- Professional and technical--engineers, technical
- 004
- Professional and technical--medical and other health workers, salaried
- 005
- Professional and technical--teachers, except college
- 006
- Professional and technical--other salaried
- 007
- Farmers and farm managers
- 008
- Managers, officials and propreitors, except farm--self-employed, retail trade
- 009
- Managers, officials and propreitors, except farm--self-employed, not retail trade
- 010
- Managers, officials and propreitors, except farm--salaried
- 011
- Clerical and kindred--stenographers, typists, secretaries
- 012
- Clerical and kindred--other
- 013
- Sales workers--retail trade
- 014
- Sales workers--not retail trade
- 015
- Foremen, except on farms
- 016
- Craftsmen, in construction
- 017
- Craftsmen, except in construction
- 018
- Operatives and kindred workers, in durable goods manuracturing
- 019
- Operatives and kindred workers, in non-durable goods manuracturing
- 020
- Operatives and kindred workers, other
- 021
- Service workers--private household workers
- 022
- Service workers--waiters, cooks, and bartenders, except private household workers
- 023
- Service workers--all other
- 024
- Farm laborers and farm foremen
- 025
- Laborers, excluding farm and mine
- 099
- Not in labor force, unemployed who have never had a job, armed forces, and persons not in the "February-March" matched sample (FEBMARCH of 2)