- Codes
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Codes and Frequencies
WNLOOK identifies the main reason persons who want a job were not looking for work during the previous four weeks.
A similar (though not directly comparable) set of items exist for ASEC samples prior to 1994. Respondents were asked a similar question about the reasons individuals who want a job were not looking for work during the previous week. The items differ in three ways: the universe for whom the items apply, the duration of job search inactivity (four weeks compared to one week), and pre-1994 respondents were allowed to give multiple responses similar to the response choices for WNLOOK. These pre-1994 items are identified by the following set of variables: believes no work available (BLVENOWK); could not find work (CANTFIND); lack schooling (LACKSCHL); poor health or disability (ILHEALTH); employers think too young or old (WRONGAGE); other personal handicap (HANDICAP); school or training responsibilities (SCHLDUTY); family responsibilities (FAMDUTY); lack of childcare school (KIDDUTY); "other reasons" (OTHEREAS); and "unknown reason" (UNKREASN). More information about these pre-1994 survey items, including applicable universe statements, can be found in each item link above.
- Persons 15+ who are not working, have not looked for work within the past 4 weeks, but do want a job.
Years | Jan | Feb | ASEC | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
1994 – 2024 | X | X | - | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |