How much did (name/you) earn from this employer before taxes and other deductions during 2019?
Enter dollar amount
Enter 0 for none
Ask only if the respondent "Doesn't know" or ?Refused" Q48aa
Could you tell me if (name/you) earned
less than $45,000
between $45,000 and $60,000
or over $60,000
for the TOTAL yearly amount from this employer before taxes and other deductions during 2019?
1 Less than $45,000
2 Between $45,000 and $60,000
3 Over $60,000
Did (name/you) earn
less than $15,000
between $15,000 and $30,000
or over $30,000
from this employer during 2019?
1 Less than $15,000
2 Between $15,000 and $30,000
3 Over $30,000
Read if necessary
Is this a weekly, every other week, twice a month, monthly, or yearly amount?
1 Weekly
2 Every other week
3 Twice a month
4 Monthly
7 Yearly