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Have card from government to receive social security or disability benefits


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BGOVCARDSS reports if households that reported having prepaid cards from government agencies had received those cards in order to receive social security or disability benefits.

BGOVCARDSS is part of a series of variables regarding reasons for receiving government benefits via a prepaid card. Related variables include BGOVCARDUN, BGOVCARDFS, and BGOVCARDOTH. Respondents were asked the reason for receiving prepaid cards from government agencies and asked to mark all options that applied to their household.
This variable is part of the Unbanked/Underbanked Supplement.


This variable is comparable across all available years.


  • Households that report having or not having bank accounts, that have had a government card in the last 12 months and have a respondent age 15 or older, who has knowledge of household finances.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2015 - - - - - X - - - - - -
2017 - - - - - X - - - - - -


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