Questionnaire Text

Jul 2021
Jul 2021
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In the past 5 years, [(have/has)(you/Name)] received assistance from: The Ticket to Work Program
(1) Yes (go to SDIS7c)
(2) No (go to SDIS6d)
(3) Haven't heard of this program (go to SDIS6d)
[blind] (D) Don't Know (go to SDIS6d)
[blind] (R) Refused (go to SDIS6d)

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How helpful was the Ticket to Work Program? Would you say it was not at all helpful, a little helpful, somewhat helpful, or very helpful?
(1) Not at all helpful
(2) A little helpful
(3) Somewhat helpful
(4) Very helpful
[blind] (D) Don't Know
[blind] (R) Refused
All go to SDIS6d