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In the past 5 years have you received assistance from any other employment assistance program, and was it helpful?

Codes and Frequencies

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DIJOBOTHER indicates whether or not a respondent reporting a disability received assistance from an employment assistance program other than vocational rehabilitation centers, one stop career centers, the Ticket to Work Program, the Assistive Technology Act Program, the Center for Independent Living for Individuals with Disabilities, or the Client Assistance Program during the last five years. Detailed codes indicate how helpful they found the assistance they received from this resource.

This variable is part of the Disability Supplement.


This variable is comparable for all available years.


  • Adults age 15+ who report having a disability.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2012 - - - - X - - - - - - -
2019 - - - - - - X - - - - -
2021 - - - - - - X - - - - -


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