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Barriers to employment: loss of government assistance

Questionnaire Text

Jul 2021
Jul 2021
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
The purpose of this next question is to identify barriers to employment faced by persons with difficulties. (Do/Does) (Name/you) consider any of the following barrier to employment for (you/him/her)? Read answer categories, wait for respondent to answer yes or no mark all answers respondent says yes.
(1) Lack of education or training (go to SDIS5)
(2) Lack of job counseling (go to SDIS5)
(3) Lack of transportation (go to SDIS5)
(4) Loss of government assistance (go to SDIS5)
(5) Need for special features at the job (go to SDIS5)
(6) Employer or coworker attitudes (go to SDIS5)
(7) (Your/NAME's) difficulty (hearing/seeing/concentrating, remembering or making decisions/walking or climbing stairs/dressing or bathing, doing errands alone such as going to the doctor's office or going shopping) (go to SDIS6a)
(8) Other specify (go to SDIS4S)
(9) None (go to SDIS6a)
[blind] (D) Don't Know (go to SDIS6a)
[blind] (R) Refused (go to SDIS6a)