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Insurance coverage, last week


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COVERLW identifies persons who had health insurance coverage during the previous week.

The specific types of health insurance currently held were identified in follow-up questions, with interviewers recording data on up to five kinds of insurance coverage. Other variables identify the specific type of current insurance coverage: CAIDLW (for Medicaid); CARELW (for Medicare); CHAMPLW (for CHAMPUS and CHAMPVA); MILVALW (for Military health care or VA coverage); GROUPLW (for employment-based group health insurance); IHSLW (for Indian Health Service or other, not previously specified government insurance); PRIPURLW (for privately-purchased, not employment-based insurance); and OUTOTHLW (for coverage from the policy of a person outside the household or some other health care plan).


User Note: For a set of variables that addresses many of the comparability issues in the CPS health insurance measures, see the summary health insurance variables created by the University of Minnesota's State Health Access Data Assistance Center.

This variable is comparable across years.


  • All persons.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1996 – 1997 - - X - - - - - - - - -


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