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HINSCARE is a variable constructed by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) at the University of Minnesota. It indicates whether respondents were covered by Medicare during the previous year.

Analyses of HINSCARE must use the weight variable HINSWT.

A schematic diagram of the summary health insurance variables follows:

Public or Private
Type of Insurance
SHADAC Enhanced Variable
Covered by any type (HCOVANY)
Private (HCOVPRIV) (1) Employer-sponsored HINSEMP
(2) Individually purchased HINSPUR
(Covered by someone outside the home) (unavailable in summary variables)
Public (HCOVPUB) (3) Any Medicaid/SCHIP/other public insurance HINSCAID
(4) Medicare HINSCARE
(5) Military HINSMIL


This variable is available for the 1988-onward period and is completely comparable across all years.

In 2001, the CPS introduced an item (VERIFY) to verify that respondents who claimed no insurance coverage on any of the survey items were in fact uninsured. SHADAC used this information to impute the verification question for 1988-2000 cases; those who likely would have reported some type of Medicare coverage had they been asked the verification question have been coded as having such insurance in HCOVANY.

Comparability with IPUMS-USA

There are many methodological differences between the measurement of health insurance coverage in the CPS and the American Community Survey; but conceptually, HINSCARE is comparable to the IPUMS-USA variable HINSCARE. For more information, see SHADAC Issue Brief No. 18.


  • All persons.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1988 – 2013 - - X - - - - - - - - -


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