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Codes and Frequencies

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STATEFIP identifies the household's state of residence, using the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) coding scheme, which orders the states alphabetically.

In 1973-1975 ASEC samples, all households in the Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA METAREA are coded as Michigan-Wisconsin for STATEFIP in the original data. As there is insufficient geographic information in the public use data to determine which variable is in error, this mistake has been left un-recoded.


This variable is comparable for 1963-1967 and 1977 onward, years in which each state and the District of Columbia were separately identified. In the remaining years, two or more states share the same code, and these groupings change over time. In 1962, 8 states cannot be separately identified. In 1968-1972, 32 states cannot be separately identified, and in 1973-1976, 38 states cannot be separately identified. In these years, up to 5 states share the same code.

Comparability with IPUMS-USA

To accommodate the grouping of several states in the period before 1977, IPUMS-CPS adds several new values to the STATEFIP codes, which do not appear in IPUMS-USA. For those states that are individually identified, the IPUMS census and ACS samples and IPUMS-CPS use identical codes.


  • All households and group quarters.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1962 – 1975 - - X - - - - - - - - - -
1976 – 2024 X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2025 X - - - - - - - - - - - -


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