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Original final weight, 2000-2002


UH_ZWGT_B1 is a 10-digit numeric variable with four implied decimals. That is, 1234567890 should be interpreted as 123456.7890. The IPUMS command files automatically make the necessary adjustment, so no further adjustment is needed.


Original final weight - 2000-2002

Unicon Corporation made the following notes about this variable:
Replaced in the Unicon series in 6/08 with a patch from the Ferret website. Used for most tabulations, controlled to independent estimates for: 1) states 2) origin, sex, and age and 3) age, race, and sex Apply this weight when using only basic variables. Each month in CPS is weighted independently. To compute an annual value by combining all 12 monthly files, the result should be divided by 12. The outgoing rotations files are 1/4 of each of the 12 monthly files (groups 4 and 8). The weights must be divided by 3 (12/4) to compute annual averages. The sum of all the weights on one complete year of data would be 3 times too large without this adjustment. (per Census 5/98)


UH_ZWGT_B1 is comparable across all available samples.


  • All persons.


Years Jan Feb ASEC Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2000 – 2002 X X - X X X X X X X X X X


This variable has no flags.
