Questionnaire Text

May 2022
Feb 2022
May 2022
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Why didn't (you/name) believe (you were/she was/he was) eligible for unemployment benefits?
(Select one or multiple answers)
1) Didn't earn/work enough/worked part time
2) Didn't have a recent job
3) Had voluntarily left/quit last job/retired
4) Was fired from last job
5) Was self-employed or an independent contractor
6) Told not eligible by former employer or office
7) Received severance pay
8) Other-Specify ___________
What is that other reason?
Type in the respondent's verbatim response

Feb 2022
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Why didn't (you/name) believe (you were/she was/he was) eligible for unemployment benefits?
(Select one or multiple answers)
1) Didn't earn/work enough/worked part time
2) Didn't have a recent job
3) Had voluntarily left/quit last job/retired
4) Was fired from last job
5) Was self-employed or an independent contractor
6) Told not eligible by former employer or office
7) Received severance pay
8) Other-Specify ___________
What is that other reason?
Type in the respondent's verbatim response